Mitchell Odyssey

By Van-2
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The Trojan War during the Bronze Age consisted of fights between Greek gods/goddesses. It started off as a conflict between the people of Troy. Helen got kidnapped from her husband by Paris. The war began because of Helen's kidnapping. There was a large wooded horse outside the gates of Troy.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War P.2

    Trojan War P.2
    -The Trojan War was started by Paris of Troy.
    - Helen was kidnapped and that's what started the war.
    -This was a war between gods and goddesses
  • 89 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind
    Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of winds and warns him not to open it. Odysseus was given this bag to ensure that he and his men would arrive home safely. The bag contained all the winds, except the gentle west wind. When his men opened the bag, all of the wind flew out and set them off course.
  • 89 BCE

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind P.2

    Aeolus- Bag of Wind P.2
    • Odysseus was given a warning not to open the bag of winds. -Opening the bag caused them to go off course for several days. -If Odysseus would have told his men about the warning, they would've been safe. -The curiosity of the men led them into disaster.
  • 65 BCE

    Helios' Cattle

    Helios' Cattle
    Odysseus and his men land on the island of Helios. Odysseus warns his men not to eat the cattle. They grew hungry and while Odysseus was sleeping they cook the cattle. Helios goes to Zeus and demands punishment. A huge storm crashes and sinks the ship. Odysseus was the only one left alive.
  • 65 BCE

    Helios' Cattle P.2

    Helios' Cattle P.2
    -Odysseus tells his men not to eat the cattle on the island.
    -If the men would've listened they would have been home sooner.
    -Odysseus's men went behind his back and ate the cattle which caused a curse to be put on them.
    -The ship sinks and Odysseus is the only one alive washed up on an island.
  • 57 BCE

    Scylla P.2

    Scylla P.2
    -Scylla is a powerful monster with several heads.
    -If Odysseus had plans to counterattack, he would not lose so many men.
    -Since Scylla ate most of his men, it would be hard to attack.
    -Odysseus and his men luckily made it out alive.
  • 57 BCE


    After passing the Sirens, Odysseus encounters another creature. Scylla is a monster that has multiple heads. It starts to eat most of Odysseus’s men leaving him less powerful. They get past Scylla just before seeing Charybdis.
  • 43 BCE

    Circe P.2

    Circe P.2
    -If Odysseus warned his men about the bag they would've not been in that situation.
    -Odysseus was loyal to his men by sleeping with Circe to protect them.
    -Odysseus's men got turned into pigs and he had to call upon Hermes for help.
    -Odysseus is told to go to the land of the dead to find Tiresias.
  • 43 BCE


    After opening the bag of winds and getting off course, Odysseus and his men landed on the second island they sow. That was the island that Circe resided in. Odysseus's men are fed a potion and are turned into pigs. Odysseus needed to find a plant to save his men and overpower Circe. Odysseus and Circe slept together had he stayed for a whole year. Circe had to swear that she would not hurt them again.
  • 34 BCE

    Sirens P.2

    Sirens P.2
    -Circe warns him about the Sirens and their songs.
    -If Odysseus would of listened and put wax in his ears, he wouldn’t of had to be tied to a pole.
    -It seems like curiosity gets the best of Odysseus and it ends up hurting his men.
    -Odysseus made it through without being harmed.
  • 34 BCE


    Circe explains that Odysseus will encounter Sirens. They are beautiful singers who lure men to their death and leading them off course. Odysseus tells his men to put wax in their ears. He wanted to hear their song so he had his men tie him to the ship. Odysseus survived and overcame the first obstacle.
  • 15 BCE


    When Odysseus returns home he finds suitors all throughout the palace. He finds his son and they have a joyful reunion. Odysseus dresses as an old beggar to find out what is going on at the palace. He is told that there will be a competition held to see who will become Penelope's new husband. Odysseus plans out his revenge to gain control over the palace again. Two loyal servants encounter him and tell them not to say a word. Odysseus lets them know about the plan and what to do.
  • 15 BCE

    Suitors/Home P.2

    Suitors/Home P.2
    -Odysseus returns home and reunites with his son.
    -There was a contest being held to see who would be Penelope's husband.
    -Odysseus should have come to the palace as himself and gotten revenge greater than killing them.
    -The ones who were loyal were promised riches.
  • 5 BCE

    Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Lotus-eaters are people who live on a small island. The lotus eaters will try to give the visitors a lotus flower, and if they smell it, the scent makes them not want to leave. The lotus eaters were and are a treat to anyone who visits the island because they wanted the visitors to stay. Some of his men did smell the flower which is how the rest of his men found out. Odysseus and his men were soon going to give up on going back home to his kingdom.
  • 5 BCE

    Lotus Eaters P.2

    Lotus Eaters P.2
    -The people on the island give visitors a lotus flower that makes them compelled to stay and not leave.
    -Odysseus and his men faced them and some didn't leave.
    -The lotus flowers are a danger to the people who visit.
  • 5 BCE


    A Cyclops is a giant creature that lives in a cave with one eye and is the son of Poseidon. It eats off whatever it can find. The Cyclops had no hospitality or manners which Odysseus found upsetting. It ate two of Odysseus men but they were already planning to kill it. Odysseus ended up escaping the cave without killing the Cyclops.
  • 5 BCE

    Cyclops P.2

    Cyclops P.2
    -The Cyclops was a creature who lived in a cave that had one eye.
    -Odysseus and his men tried to kill it but was trapped by the stone door.
    -If Odysseus had killed the Cyclops in the cave, him and his men wouldn't of escaped.
    -It was all because the Cyclops did not have any hospitality.