First Class
Mitch first meets his then-professor and future freind, Morrie Schwartz -
Mitch received his Bachelor's degree in Sociology from Brandeis University -
Wins Associated Press Award for Best Sports News Story
Breaks it Big
Moves to Detroit and becomes a prominent sports jounralist for the Detroit Free Press -
Esatblishes the Dream Fund in Detroit
Marries his wife, Janine -
A Chance Encounter
Mitch happens to be flipping throught the television channels and sees Morrie being interviewed by Ted Koppel in regards to having ALS. -
Tuesdays With Morrie is Published
Named National Hospice Organization's Man of the Year
Morrie: The Movie
Oprah Winfrey produces a movie version of Albom;s famous novel, Tuesdays with Morrie