Trust vs Mistrust
Susie’s parents started the Cry It Out method of sleep training when she was 6 months old.
In Erickson’s first stage, Trust vs Mistrust, the crisis is between becoming emotionally attached to a caregiver and gaining trust in them, or losing/not gaining trust and closeness with a caregiver (Mistrust). Caregivers can develop Trust by always being there when their baby cries/needs something. Mistrust happens when the child’s needs are not met; whether that be food, cleanliness, or attention. -
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
Susie’s parents felt guilty letting her cry so much. They decided never to let anything bad happen to her. They didn’t want her to be hurt or fail so they did everything for her. In Erickson’s 2nd stage, the crisis is between gaining autonomy/independence (leading to the virtue of Hope) and losing/not gaining self-esteem. If a child is not allowed to do anything for themselves, they may feel Shame and Doubt. -
Initiative vs Guilt
Susie loved pirates. When she initiated play she wanted to play sword fights and walk the plank. Her parents were afraid that she would get hurt and told her playing pirates was bad. Little girls play princesses not pirates. In Erickson’s 3rd stage, the crisis is between gaining Initiative from being allowed to assert themselves in play; and developing a sense of Guilt from having they’re play criticized/controlled or punished. Success in this stage leads to the virtue of Purpose.