Missing Year Timeline

  • Colony Established in Australia

    Colony Established in Australia
    Swan River ColonyThe British government establishes the Swan River Colony in what will later be Western Australia.
  • Belguim

    The Belgian Revolution begins Aug. The Revolution was against

    Netherlands and it was about there independence. They won the battle for there independence.
  • 1st US bank robbery

    1st US bank robbery in City Bank on Wall Street in New York City was robbed of $245,000. The culprit, Edward Smith, opened the bank with duplicate keys. He was caught, convicted and sentenced to five years in prison.
  • Battle of Kellog's GroveIII

    Battle of Kellog's GroveIII
    The original kelloggs babins and building are no longer there. Monday morning April 5 1832 majer dement recieved a express radiots gorn
  • Train derails at Hightown

    Train derails at Hightown
    the train was from south amhor to bordenttown. it was doing a speed of 25. the tarin derail on its way to bordentown.