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Miriam's Jewish Journey

  • Born

  • Started Jewish preschool at local synagogue

  • Started Kindergarten at Jewish Day School

  • Summers at JCC Day Camp Begin!

  • Started at Akiba Hebrew Academy (now Barrak Academy)

  • Went (dragged) to my first Young Judaea convention

    Went (dragged) to my first Young Judaea convention
  • 1st of 3 Years on Regional Mazkirut (Board) for Young Judaea

    1st of 3 Years on Regional Mazkirut (Board) for Young Judaea
  • Summer at Camp Tel Yehudah: Barryville, NY

    Summer at Camp Tel Yehudah: Barryville, NY
  • Met Ofer, YJ Shaliach

    Ofer was the regional shaliach (emissary) for my Young Judaea region. As a member of the regional mazkirut (board), I worked closely with him on a weekly basis to plan programs and activities. In his role, Ofer also was responsible for training the student board. I developed a close relationship with him and through my leadership training things really started to "click". Ofer empowered me to not only be an actve leader, but he really taught me what a leader was.
  • Partiicpant in March of the Living

    Partiicpant in March of the Living
  • Graduated Akiba Hebrew Academy

  • Partitipcant in Young Judaea Year Course in Israel Year-Long Program

  • Started Wellesley College

    Started Wellesley College
  • Graduated from Wellesley College

    Graduated from Wellesley College
  • Began working at new England Region of Young Judaea

  • Got married to Phillip Blue

    Got married to Phillip Blue
  • Moved to Boynton Beach, Florida!

  • Began working at Commission for Jewish Education

  • Moved back to Massachusetts

  • Started Working for North Suburban JCC

  • Birth of Talia Ruth Blue

    Birth of Talia Ruth Blue
  • Started working for Hllel Council of New England

  • Began MJEd Program at hebrew College

  • Talia started Kndergarten at Cohen Hillel Academy

    Talia started Kndergarten at Cohen Hillel Academy