Miranda v. Arizona

  • Ernesto Miranda is Arrested

    Ernesto Miranda is Arrested
    Ernesto is arrested for suspected rape and kidnapping.
  • Ernesto is Denied Representation

    At a preliminary hearing Ernesto is denied legal representation. Counsel objected to Miranda's confession being used against him. This objection is overruled.
  • Miranda is Convicted

    Miranda is convicted of rape and kidnapping and gets 20-30 months for each charge.
  • Miranda Appeals

    Miranda appeals his case to the Supreme Court of Arizona, claiming his confession was obtained illegally. The court affirms the case and he appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • The Court Will Hear It

    The Court Will Hear It
    The U.S. Supreme Court decides to hear Miranda's case.
  • Counsel Submits Argument

    Counsel Submits Argument
    Miranda's counsels John J. Flynn and John P. Frank submit their arguments that Miranda's 6th amendment right to counsel had been violated. Arizona denies this.
  • Miranda v. Arizona came before the U.S. Supreme Court.

    The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in the case Miranda v. Arizona concerning the Fifth Amendment rights of Ernesto Miranda.
  • Arizona is Confronted.

    Arizona is Confronted.
    Arizona's past of violating the sixth amendment is brought into view on second day of oral argument.
  • Ernesto Wins (and Loses)

    Ernesto wins his case against Arizona, but now must have a retrial of the original with a new jury. He is declared guilty again.
  • Ernesto Tries Again

    Miranda's second trial begins and last nine days.
  • Ernesto is Guilty

    Miranda is found guilty for the final time after testimony from his wife.