Milton Hershey

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    Milton Hershey was born in Derry Township, Pennsylvania. And he was the only child to survive in his family.
  • Period: to

    Early Life

    By 1867 his father left, but sources say that his wife was growing tired of his failures. At this time, he was ten years old.
    At just the age of fourteen, Milton dropped out of school, developing an interest for candy. He then became an apprentice with a master confectioner in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
    In 1875, when he was eighteen, Milton borrowed $150 from his aunt and started his own candy shop.
  • His first company

    His first company
    After many failed attempts to become successful, he finally started his own Lancaster caramel company. Within a few years, he was shipping caramels all over the world.
  • Hershey Chocolate Company

    Hershey Chocolate Company
    After taking a trip to Chicago, Milton got to watch the art of chocolate making, he was immediately hooked. This led him to creating the Hershey Chocolate Company.
  • Moving on up

    Moving on up
    At this time, his companies were thriving! He then sold the Lancaster Caramel Company for one million dollars. Allowing him to focus on the chocolate company.
  • The Hershey Kiss

    The Hershey Kiss
    More and more ideas for chocolate got him further and further into greatness. One idea of his that has stayed is the famous Hershey kiss.
  • Milton Hershey School

    Milton Hershey School
    When he and his wife found out that they were unable to have kids, they started a Hershey Industrial school, a facility for orphaned boys. Girls are now welcome to it and it is now called the Milton Hershey School.
  • His wife Catherine

    His wife Catherine
    In 1898, Milton married Catherine, who later died unexpectedly in 1915.
  • Funding the School

    Funding the School
    During this time, Milton transferred much of his wealth to the Hershey Trust. He also included his ownership of the Hershey Chocolate Company. The Hershey Trust finds the Hershey School.
  • Times during the Great Depression.

    Times during the Great Depression.
    During the Great Depression, Milton ignited a building mini-boom to keep men working. He had a hotel, a company building, and new offices for his company built.
  • Date of Death

    Date of Death
    Milton Hershey died in Hershey, Pennsylvania.