My Birth
On this day, I was born into this life. I got to see this world, and my family. i can't remember that day, but my family tells me stories about that day. -
Period: to
Mills's Timeline
First Day of School
Then i was scared but Now fist day's of school are fun. there were new people that year, but i dont realy see them that much. -
Week that I Moved
The place was a new place, and a new life. I had a lot of fun too. I got to hve a different room, and it was my own room. -
Summer I Went to Visit My Mommom
I had soo much fum. I got to meet a Lot of new family members that Summer. -
I Got My First Dog
My dog is now four years old. Bu she is sill as cute as she was when i got her. When i first got her she was only the size of my hand. -
Day I Got Another Dog
Even though that I had anothe dog he was my favorite. He was more hyper, and a lot more fun. I got to name him too. -
The Time for My Braces
My teeth herted so much that day. I could even eat a thing. But my mom took me to Wendy's, and i got a cold drink. -
I Went to a New School
Tat day was a new school year in a new school. And a whole lot of drama. I met new people that now are my best friends. -
Time I Went to Florida
That was a great spring breack. I got to see my family, and had a lot of fun. Down there I went to a museum, fishing, and I saw manaties, and dolphines in the Keys. -
Week in Wildwood
My last vacation before school was fun. i got to see my old friends from my old school. I wnt on alot of rides, and enjoyed that week.