His Birth
Millard was born on January 7th, 1800 in Locke New York -
He went to New Hope Acedemy -
Millard was admitted to the bar in 1823 -
1ts Child
Millard Fillmore was born on April 25th, 1828 at Greensboro North Carolina -
he married Abigail in 1826 -
Political Party
Millard Fillmore was a associate of the whig politicion Thurlow Weed. -
Millard moved his law practice to Buffalo after 7 years -
Caroline Fillmore
She was left a wealthy widow since her first husband died -
2nd Child
Mary Abigail was born on 1832 at Stillwater New York -
Millard was part of the House of Represenitives -
Millard Fillmore held state office -
Millard was the vice president of Zachory Tayler -
He was elected in 1848 -
Programs/Laws developed
Millard Fillmore developed the Fugitive Slave Act -
News Worthy Events
Millard Fillmore made the fugitive slave act -
Fun Facts
He was named the accidental presedent because Zachery Tayler died randomly. -
Millard signed the compromise of 1850 -
Who it affected
After Zachery Tayler died Northerners were affected -
Millard Fillmore was elected on July 9, 1850 -
Left Office
Millard left office on March 4, 1853 -
Abigail powers died on March 30, 1853 at Washington D.C. This would lead to Millard getting another wife. Real picture of her tombstone. -
2nd Marriage
He married Caroline in 1858 -
News worthy events after they left office
The civil war started -
Civil War
Millard signed the Compromise during the civil war which delayed the civil war a decade -
Millard Fillmore retired on March 8, 1874 at Buffalo NY -
Millards Death
Millard died on March 8, 1874 at Buffalo NY -
Caroline died on August 11, 1881 at Buffalo NY. The picture is her real tombstone. -
1st Child Died
Millard Powers died on November 15, 1889 at Buffalo NY -
Mary Abigail
She made sure that the white house had pianoes -
2nd Child Died
Mary Abigails died on August 17, 1896 at Aurora NY.