Military Land Transport - Emilie Macfie

  • Battle of Somosierra

    Battle of Somosierra
    During this battle between Napoleon's forces and the Spanish, Napoleon's artillery forces could not outflank the Spanish, so he had the Polish "Chevaux Leger" forces accompany them. This battle became one of the Polish Cavalry's most noted successes. Suchodolski, January. Somosierra, painting. 1875.
  • Battle of Flers–Courcelette

    Battle of Flers–Courcelette
    The indtroduction of the tank during World War One is a notable event, as it was intended to break the stalemate on the Western Front. This battle was a part of the Somme Offensive and is widely regarded to be the first tank battle.This first tank was the British Mark I, and 49 of them were sent into battle despite untrained crews and numerous mechanichal faliures. The Mark I was meant to cross trenches 12 feet wide. Engine faliure would prove to be the Mark I's biggest weakness.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    At this time, railway had become the best way to get supplies ot one's troops. During the battle at Vimy, railway was important, for one, as the nearby town of Arras had a large railway junction, so whoever controlled it could best supply their troops. Trench railways, a second important rail component in World War One, connected the front with the regular railway system. Bringing Canadian wounded to the Field Dresseing Station. Vimy Ridge. April, 1917.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    The first armoured car, the Austin was used by many sides in this war. It presents a first attempt at transporting people quickly and more safely than, say, on horseback. At first, it had trouble navigating the bumpy ground, and thus underwent many improvements. It shows the rapid modernization that took place in the first half of the 20th century. Austins (1st series) of the Russian Army during First World War. Niva magazine no 21, 1916.
  • Battle of Komarów

    Battle of Komarów
    This battle, one of the key parts of the Polish-Bolshevik war, was also significant as the last significant cavalry battle. Many technological advancements in land transport for war had been in circulation by this time, especially in Western Europe. This event is a notable transition from the more tradtional ways of battle to the new, modern ways of utilizing machinery. It shows the modernization that Europe underwent in the early half of the 20th century.
  • Allied invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky)

    Allied invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky)
    The DUKW is an American-made amphibious vehicle that was used by the allied forces during World War Two. It is based on the American CCKW trucks used during World War One and is meant to carry goods and troops across land and water. They were used for the fist time during Operation Husky and played an integral role in sustaining the troops, as they eaily landed suppliues along the beaches.