The Egyptians (3000 BC)
Utilizing the land as protection and their ability to turn enemy weapons against them; the Egyptians were among some of the most awe inspiring, and respected cultures in history. Their ability to use math to build structures, and their unity made them quite the oppenent in battle. "The military of Ancient Egypt". www.ancientmilitary.com. copyright ancientmilitary.com. May 16, 2013 -
Sparta (500 B.C.)
The Spartans trained their whole life to be elite warriors capable of handling anything that stood in their way. Starting from the age of 7 a young Spartan boy would be taken from his mother and trained in the ways of combat. The Spartans were very unified in the use of their shields and spears working together against overwhelming odds. In Sparta you either came back with your shield or on it. "The spartan military". www.ancientmilitary.com. copyright 2013 ancientmilitary.com. May 16, 2013 -
Nov 1, 1095
The First Crusade
The first crusade which was started by Pope Urban II who preached about glory and wealth to those who fought in the name of God. Really the only succesful crusade these warriors fought their way through Muslims and established their way into Jeruselum.
"The crusades(1095-1291)". Metmuseum.org. 2000-2013. The Metropolitan museum of art. May 7, 2013. -
Jan 1, 1206
The Mongolian Empire
The Mongols were known as some of he best conquerers in the world. Led by the great and powerful Chingis (Ghengis) Kahn they controlled a lot of asia the the east. They spent a lot of the time on horseback and it was rumored that they could ride a horse before they could walk. There was also once a time where they launched the infected dead into the Genosese trading settlements by the Black Sea. "The Mongol Empire". allempires.com. 2006 allempires.com. may 10th 2013 -
Jan 1, 1556
The British Empire
Once known as "The empire where the sun never sets" The British had the strongest military during the exploration time. They had the best naval ships and had control of most of the world. They would eventually set up the same colonies that brought their defeat in the 18th century. Their soldiers were known as redcoats due to the bright red uniform they wore. "The British Empire". www.britishempire.co.uk. Stephen Luscombe May, 16, 2013. May, 16, 2013 -
Americas Revolutionaries
Outnumbered and outmanuvered many a time it would seem that the 13 colonies would never stand a chance against the empire where the sun never sets, but using their knowledge of the land, their tenacity, and faith in their cause would eventually lead them to victory and earn respect from other countries. "Liberty the American revolution". www.pbs.org. 2004 twin cities public television. Acessed May 16, 2013 -
The Germans WWII
One of the biggest threats to mankind and notorious for things done during the second World War made the Nazi military one of the most feared and remembered of all time. This military was responsible for the killing of 6 million jews. They were a might who was able to take over half of Europe in a short amount of time before being overpowered by the allies. Even though they were defeated the Nazis are still feared to this day. "World War II". www.bbc.co.uk. BBC copyright 2013. May, 16, 2013 -
America during the Cold War
The end of one war was the beginning of another when talking about the Cold War. Now that Germany was out of the way it was just the ideals of communism vs. capitalism. The point of the war was to be the best, and America prevailed in nuclear weapons, space exploration, and influence over the world. Russia did prove to be quite the challenge in beginning a lot of things, but America pulled through being better. "Cold War". www.bbc.co.uk. BBC 2013. May, 16, 2013.