
Milestones in the Connectivity Between People and Places

  • The North River Steamboat of Clermont

    The North River Steamboat of Clermont
    This first commercially available designed by American engineer Robert Fulton and built in New York City by Charles Brown, with financial backing from Robert Livingston. It first set sail on the Hudson River in 1807. It began the first profitable venture in steam navigation by carrying paying passengers between Albany and NYC, which made travelling and meeting with others much easier.
  • The Telegraph and Morse Code

    The Telegraph and Morse Code
    The telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication by transmitting electrical signals over wires laid between stations. Samuel Morse, along with other inventors, invented the telegraph along with a sort of language to go with it: Morse code. For those out at sea or a long distance away, if they understand Morse code, they can still communicate with others who may be miles away.
  • The Television

    The Television
    The first electronic television was invented by 21-year-old Philo Taylor Farnsworth, who initially, in high school, thought of a system that could capture moving images, transform those images into code, then move those images along radio waves to different devices over long distances. With this, the telling of the news became more efficient, with people able to hear of it through their television at home through sound rather than reading the daily newspaper.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web was originally developed and invented by Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist at CERN, to meet the demand for fast, automatic information sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world. Along with scientists in completely different continents being able to share information, the common citizen could chat with friends in different countries as well without sending letters that could've taken weeks to receive.
  • MySpace

    This American social networking site offers an interactive, user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, videos, and much more. With being able to customize your profile and even have groups meant for you and your friends, staying connected was as easy as sending an instant message.