Milestones in the Modern Automobile

  • Benz Patent-Motorwagen

    Benz Patent-Motorwagen
    The first automobile which was essentially a carriage propelled by an internal combustion engine
  • The Electric Starter

    The Electric Starter
    The electric starter replaced the need to hand crank your engine from outside the vehicle for it to start.
  • Automatic Transmission

    Automatic Transmission
    An alternative method to standard transmission that is now more commonly used.
  • Air Conditioning Units

    Air Conditioning Units
    Initially used as a symbol of wealth and luxury that was visible from the exterior of the car, these units are now common and provide comfort while driving.
  • The Modern Seatbelt

    The Modern Seatbelt
    Introduced a significant upgrade to single strap belts, improving safety while in an automobile.
  • Electronic Fuel Injection System

    Electronic Fuel Injection System
    Dramatically reduced both the length and difficulty of getting the fuel to reach the engine when starting the car by removing the need to use a hand pump to get the fuel to the engine.
  • Commercial Airbags

    Commercial Airbags
    Airbags were officially available to the public, increasing safety while in an automobile and reducing chances of death in the occurrence of an accident.
  • Launch of Anti-lock Braking System

    Launch of Anti-lock Braking System
    The system prevents wheels from locking when making abrupt stops.
  • Electronic Stability Control

    Electronic Stability Control
    A system that helps the driver keep control of the automobile in emergency maneuvers.
  • On Board Diagnostics II

    On Board Diagnostics II
    OBS II is now in most automobiles and allows the driver to monitor the car from within while driving the vehicle.
  • Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems

    Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems
    The system informs the driver of an automobile of the air pressure within the tires and alerts the driver if the air pressure either increases above or decreases below the appropriate level.