Toby Milestones

  • Born - Happy Birthday Toby!

    Born - Happy Birthday Toby!
  • Period: to


  • Bath time

    Bath time
    Phonology: Toby seems to really enjoy bath time! She coos to express this. She is 2 months old..
  • Saint Patrick's Day get-together

    Saint Patrick's Day get-together
    Semantics: Toby was kept occupied with an assortment of toys (plastic keys, teething ring, rattle) which she mouthed at periodically. She is two months old.
  • Unfamiliar situations

    Pragmatics: Toby showed distress when an unfamiliar face picked her up. She is 2 months old.
  • May Day festival

    May Day festival
    Phonology: Toby has taken to squealing long vowel sounds ("aaahhh"). Sh makes a lot of noise at the May Day festival. She is almost 4 months old.
  • Recognizes name

    Pragmatics: Toby can recognize her own name and changes facial expression in response to different kinds of attention. She is 4 months old.
  • Understanding 'no'

    Semantics: When Mom tells Toby "no," she now looks at her and stops what she was doing. Sometimes he "yells" back at her in displeasure. She is almost 5 months old.
  • Joint Attention

    Joint Attention
    Pragmatics: Toby engaged in joint attention while playing with a toy piano with mom. She is 6 months old.
  • Labor Day cookout

    Labor Day cookout
    Semantics: Toby waved back at people greeting her and her parents. She is almost 7 months old.
  • Snack time

    Snack time
    Semantics: Toby has started staring at the refrigerator from her high chair at snack time. She knows that's where her food comes from. She is 8 months old.
  • Halloween party!

    Halloween party!
    Phonology: Toby babbled for long stretches of time, using reduplicated syllables ("babababa"). She is 8 months old.
  • Indigenous Peoples Day

    Indigenous Peoples Day
    Phonology: When the family was visiting for the holiday, people had "conversations" with Toby. She babbled using multiple syllables with varying inflections that sounded like she was asking questions and exclaiming. Toby is almost 11 months old.
  • First Word!

    First Word!
    Pragmatics: Toby has begun identifying her mother as "Mama." She is almost 1 year old.
  • 12 months - Happy Birthday Toby!

    12 months - Happy Birthday Toby!
  • Period: to


  • Single Nouns on a walk

    Single Nouns on a walk
    Syntax and Morphology: Toby and mom are out for a walk and she is constantly saying dog, bird, flower, or bike.
  • Valentine's Day with the sitter

    Pragmatics: Toby waved goodbye when her parents left for their Valentine's Day date (referential gesture). She is 13 months old.
  • Father's day

    Father's day
    Phonology: Toby is giving dad his father's day present and says "happy father's day" but dad was only able to understand part of what she said.
  • Fourth of July

    Fourth of July
    Pragmatics: Toby spent the evening having long "conversations" with kids. She was observed taking turns verbally, speaking, and then waiting for a response to continue. She is almost 18 months old.
  • Reading a book

    Reading a book
    Syntax and Morphology: Toby and mom are having book time, mom asked toby about what a girl is doing in the picture and she says that the girl is "Playing".
  • Halloween Block party

    Halloween Block party
    Pragmatics: While at the community trunk-or-treat, Toby held her hand out and made a grabbing motion while saying "nonny" (her word for candy). She is 21 months old.
  • Toby goes to the grocery store

    Toby goes to the grocery store
    Semantics: Toby and her dad go to the grocery store together, and Toby is able to identify and name many fruits and vegetables in the produce section
  • New Year's Day

    New Year's Day
    Pragmatics: While watching the holiday AKC dog show with her uncle, Toby commented "doggy run?" when one of the large breeds did their walk. When her uncle affirmed his statement, she asked "why run?" She is almost 2 years old.
  • 24 months - Happy Birthday Toby!

    24 months - Happy Birthday Toby!
  • Doughnut day

    Doughnut day
    Syntax and Morphology: dad took Toby to get some donuts, while in the shop toby was saying "ate donut" to dad.
  • Valentines Day

    Valentines Day
    Semantics: Tody produces the word "heart" now using an average of 200 words.
  • Memorial day

    Memorial day
    Phonology: during snack time toby kept going into the kitchen and asking for her "gup" (cup), demonstrating the phonological process
  • Memorial Day

    Memorial Day
    Pragmatics: At the block cookout, Toby couldn't stop talking about her stuffed horse. She approached people to tell them the horse's name (Jack) and what he ate and would answer a question or two before losing interest and moving on. She is 28 months old.
  • Swim Party

    Swim Party
    Semantics: Toby went to a pool party with her family. There were a lot of different snacks available, but she identified all of them as "chips,'" because that is the snack that Toby is most familiar with.
  • pumpkin patch

    pumpkin patch
    Syntax and Morphology: it's family time at the pumpkin patch and Toby is excited to see the tractor at the farm, she keeps telling mom and dad "tract goes". this shows that she is using constant single verbs and nouns
  • Toby goes to the fair

    Toby goes to the fair
    Semantics: Toby and her family go to the state fair! She is so excited and keeps asking simple questions about all the animals. For example, "Is that a pig?"
  • Asking Questions

    Asking Questions
    Semantics: Toby forms the question "Can I have that?" asking for her mom's dessert.
  • Family Christmas

    Family Christmas
    Semantics: Toby is able to recognize gender and address them with the proper pronouns. She is able to recognize that her aunt is a female.
  • Getting ready for birthday!

    Getting ready for birthday!
    Pragmatics: Toby didn't know this, but Mama was trying to make sure she ordered the right kind of ice cream and cake for her upcoming birthday party. When, during the conversation, she asked her if she liked the ice cream they had now, she looked confused and sought clarification - she didn't have any ice cream at that moment, so she wasn't sure what her mom was referring to.
    She is 35 months old.
  • 36 months- Happy 3rd Birthday Toby!

    36 months- Happy 3rd Birthday Toby!
  • Period: to


  • Family birthday party

    Family birthday party
    Syntax and Morphology: Toby is at a family member's birthday party where the theme is rainbows. She looks at her mom and says "I like pink and blue."
  • farm day

    farm day
    Phonology: Toby went out to his grandparents farm where he used shallow phonology with farm animals like "pig" "sit" and "brown" "cow"
  • Play Time

    Play Time
    Semantics: Toby is playing with her new toys from Christmas and is able to recognize which toys will hurt people because she knows which toys are hard and soft.
  • Easter Dinner

    Pragmatics: Toby and his parents were invited to a friend's Easter dinner. He sat at the kids' table and was observed engaging in longer conversations that previously seen. He is 38 months old.
  • Daycare Chronicles

    Daycare Chronicles
    Syntax and Morphology/Pragmatics: Toby is describing what she did at daycare and forms the sentence "we ate lunch then napped." She is 40 months old.
  • feeding pet puppy

    feeding pet puppy
    Phonology: Toby is explaining to dad about how to feed their puppy. dad is able to understand most of what toby is saying. (refine articulatory)
  • 4th of July

    4th of July
    Semantics: Toby is at the firework party and able to recognize new words and their representations. Toby loved talking about the fireworks.
  • Story Telling

    Story Telling
    Syntax and Morphology: Toby was telling a story about how her brother fell down using past tense. "He was running and he fell"
  • Playground Play

    Playground Play
    Syntax and Morphology: Toby is playing on the playground and says "I can't get up there" using contractions.
  • family dinner

    family dinner
    Phonology: Toby is telling mom and dad how he ate a banana in school, instead of saying "nana"
  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Pragmatics: At Thanksgiving dinner with just the immediate family, Toby understood that Mom wanted him to pass the butter when she pointed at it and said "My mashed potatoes need some butter." He is 46 months old.
  • Getting excited about Santa!

    Getting excited about Santa!
    Semantics: Toby is getting very excited about Santa coming into her house for Christmas. She begins asking questions while using more complex pronouns. For example, "Is Santa going to hurt himself going down the chimney?"
  • 48 Months - Happy 4th birthday!!!

    Pragmatics: After seeing Moana for the fourth time for Toby's birthday, Toby talked about his favorite parts of the movie. He said "I like the big turtle! He sings about being shiny, and I like shiny." He is 48 months old.
  • Irregular third person verbs

    Irregular third person verbs
    Syntax and Morphology: Toby tells her mom that she has a similar toy at grandmas house. "I have that car at grandmas house."
  • Contractible Auxiliary

    Contractible Auxiliary
    Syntax and Morphology: Toby's mom gave birth to her baby sister, responding with "Why is mommy crying?"
  • Monster truck jam

    Monster truck jam
    Phonology: Toby gets to go see monster trucks he is so excited and tells grandpa about his toy monster "truck" instead of "tuck" (cluster Reduction)
  • lake day

    lake day
    Phonology: its family time at the lake and toby keeps telling everyone in the house "we are gonna go to the lake" (intelligible connected)
  • Happy Father's Day!

    Pragmatics: When playing with his cousins at the family Father's Day get-together, one child suggested tag. Toby responded with a hopeful "I like tag!" He is 53 months old.
  • driving around town

    driving around town
    Phonology: while looking out the window and sees a store with the letter "T" he is excited to see a letter that his name has. (knows letters that make up own name)
  • Long drive home

    Pragmatics: On the roadtrip home from Grammy and Pawpaw's house after staying for Christmas and New Year's, Toby spun an elaborate story incorporating everything she saw outside her window until she fell asleep about four hours in. She is almost 5 years old.