Exposure to Traditional New Media

  • 29,000 BCE


    Pottery is clay that is modeled, dried, and fired, usually with a glaze or finish, into a vessel or decorative object. Although it's used today to serve different purposes, the fact that pottery once served as a medium for sharing and storing information is something that astounds us.
  • 9000 BCE


    An ideogram is a sign or symbol that represents a particular idea or thing rather than a word. We’ve all encountered ideograms before but what you’re probably thinking isn’t what we are referring to. The “no smoking” and wheelchair symbol are ideograms but pre-industrial ideograms from Sumer, the Egypt, and China are characters that represent a whole word. This is very efficient. Imagine just writing a single letter to represent a whole object. Less time-consuming but very effective.
  • 5500 BCE


    A drum is a musical instrument in which a stretched membrane vibrates to make a sound. It is hollow, usually cylindrical, that is covered at one or both ends is typically struck with a hand or a stick. It is one of the oldest and varied instruments. It is a tool that produces sound to communicate and conveys messages. We think that it is one of the essential instruments that enable people to transmit information without using words and aid in communicating in long distances.
  • 1500 BCE

    Blowing Horns

    Blowing Horns
    The blowing horn or winding horn is a sound device that is usually made of or shaped like an animal horn, arranged to blow from a hole in the pointed end of it. We can't imagine blowing a horn ourselves but we appreciate the fact that it was used to communicate without the usage of words and symbols, but using sounds.
  • Flags

    Flags are used to convey messages at a distance as a visual signal for short-range communication. It’s amazing how we can use this tool in conveying different short messages to people at a fair distance by waving it in different ways or by waving a specific color.
  • Postcards

    A postcard is a piece of thin card, often with a picture on one side, which you can write on and send to people without using an envelope. Postcards make people feel warm and fuzzy inside because you've actually put effort into it, which these days, sadly, is pretty rare.
  • Typewriters

    A typewriter is a mechanical device that allows you to press individual keys to create printed characters on a piece of paper. During the Industrial Age, typewriters reduced the time and expense involved in creating documents, encouraging the spread of information and communication. Sometimes, using a typewriter can be difficult since there is no backspace. You need to change paper if you misspelled a word.
  • Telephones

    A telephone is an instrument designed for the simultaneous transmission and reception of the human voice. Telephones made an incredible impact on society. It is considered one of the significant inventions in the Industrial times for it made communication faster by allowing people to talk directly to each other over long distances. It's amazing how we were able to craft this instrument that is still being used today.
  • Vitascope

    Vitascope is motion-picture projector, its principal features are retained in the modern projector: sprocketed film operated with a mechanism (the “Maltese cross”) to stop each frame briefly before the lens, and a loop in the film to ease the strain. It seems to us that the vitascope was a helpful invention particularly on entertainment venues.
  • Commercial Motion Picture

    Commercial Motion Picture
    Motion film is composed of a series of still pictures. When the still pictures are projected progressively and rapidly onto a screen, the eye perceives motion, hence they become a motion picture. The discovery of motion media is important because the movement of the combination of texts and graphics communicate information in multiple ways.
  • Television

    Television (TV) is the electronic delivery of moving images and sound from a source to a receiver. TV is a source of information or communication, and media. This innovation plays vital roles to the society through informing, educating, and entertaining.
  • Enigma Machine

    Enigma Machine
    An Enigma machine is a famous encryption machine used by the Germans during WWII to transmit coded messages. An Enigma machine allows for billions and billions of ways to encode a message, making it incredibly difficult for other nations to crack German codes during the war. Some of us have seen a replica of this machine once and understood nothing of it. This was very fascinating to us. We consider it as ingenious to encrypt messages back then.
  • Transistor Radio

    Transistor Radio
    A transistor radio is a radio receiver that amplifies sound using transistors. Transistor radios come in a variety of sizes, prices, and power requirements. Some can amplify the weak radio waves that are usually not picked up by weaker vacuum tube radios. With the transistor radio, music and information became portable and more accessible. You can hear about the latest news and information around the world no matter how isolated you are.
  • Video Tape Recorder

    Video Tape Recorder
    Video Tape Recorder is an electromechanical device that records and reproduces an electronic signal containing audio and video information onto and from magnetic tape. Commonly used for recording television productions that are intended for rebroadcasting to mass audiences. Until this day, we think of it as an advanced and complicated system. Various processes are done inside a video tape recorder just to produce audio and video.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    A personal computer is a multi-purpose small, inexpensive computer intended for personal use. All PCs rely on microprocessor technology, which allows PC manufacturers to fit an entire central processing unit (CPU) on her single chip. Personal computers increase our productivity in turning over recurring and monotonous tasks. It enables us to have more effective communication. It also increases and enhances collaboration. It gives us the ability to stay in touch with other people.
  • Chrome

    A web browser released by Google Inc., is an open source program for accessing the World Wide Web and running Web-based applications. We believe that without web browsers such as chrome, we wouldn't pass in school since we use it in finding information for researching certain topics that are talked about in school.
  • Smartphones

    Smartphones are mobile phones with screens and operating systems that enable the installation of additional computer software applications, as well as personal information management programs. It is a mobile phone with a handheld computer built in. They are one of the important devices in the present. It aids in accessing information regarding almost anything. Smartphones have made our lives more efficient as well as comfortable but this can be addicting, and might be abused over time.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is a popular free social networking website that enables users to share information and photos and keep in touch with family and friends. Communication has never been easier when social networking websites such as Facebook first came out. It helps us express ourselves more to an audience we are comfortable with online.
  • Twitter

    Twitter is a social media, an online news platform, and a micro-blogging site where people communicate in short messages that are up to 280 characters long called tweets. We get to express short and brief thoughts on this app that helps us to socially express ourselves.
  • Smart Watch

    Smart Watch
    A smartwatch is a tiny, wrist-worn device resembling a smartphone. The user can use a touch screen, physical buttons, or a mix of the two to control it. It contains monitors to keep track of users' health. Different applications can be accessed through it and people can stay informed and connected while on the go. It offers unique insights into users' location and health data. It makes accessing information and communicating with others much more efficient.