Mikhail Timeline

  • Baby Mikhail: Welcoming a little brother

    Baby Mikhail: Welcoming a little brother
    Mikhail (age 17 months) As a boy living on a small inhabited island, Mikhail's family gets ready to move to the mainland with the arrival of his baby brother. In Erickson's first stage Trust vs. Mistrust, the crisis is shaping Mikhail's view, as this is the most important time in his life, where he's about to become a big brother and move to a whole new world at just 18 months old.
  • Who am I: Finding a identity

    Who am I: Finding a identity
    Mikhail (age 17) decided to enlist in the U.S Army to start a career and make a difference. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs. confusion, the crisis is identifying who Mikhail wants to become in a field with people of all backgrounds. Some of which can affect his growth negatively.
  • Mikhail becomes a dad

    Mikhail becomes a dad
    Mikhail (age 25) With the decision to start a life together also came parenthood. In Erickson's sixth stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation both of which present a crisis here. New life through intimacy is becoming part of this isolated couple where two now become three. Having to share for three which was once for two.