Born Mikhail Krug (Vorobiev), on April 7, 1962, in the old district of the city of Tver, which was called Morozov town now has the name "Court Proletarka" on which the song was written, "My dear city". -
His first poems Mikhail wrote at age 14, who has devoted his classmate. While Michael was an idol of VS Vysotsky. After the army, Michael impressed his songs began to play guitar and sing in his style. -
Growing up
Michael graduated from the city of Tver 39 School on Sominke by profession an auto-mechanic. When he came out of the army, Michael married, the parents of his wife insisted that he go to college, because their daughter graduated with honors from the Institute of Light Industry, and his education is not consistent with their principles. -
Misha, do you want to work ...
In 1987, Michael successfully goes to college, which finds out about the competition of author's song, takes part in it and takes the first place. After that he was seriously engaged in writing songs, but no small role in this played E.I.Klyachkin, who was chairman of the jury at the 8 festival of art song, and see where the hidden talent in Michael, and said: "Misha, do you want to work ..." -
First songs
His first album, "Tverskaya street" Michael recorded in the studio "Tver", then the second album, "Katya" was recorded, and the third album without a title, they had no way out but were stolen and dispersed pirated. Almost all the songs from these albums have been re-written and sung in the album: "Green Attorney" "Madame" "Rose" "Mouse". first "Zhigan- lemon" official album came out in 1994. -
In summer 2000, finished shooting the film "April" in which Michael Krug played mafia boss.
Michael gave the money to a new clip but he returned to them, because his songs banned on television.
Ring with three diamonds, which it always is he gave the thief in the trunk of the law.
Thieves expression for his songs Michael takes a dictionary of the NKVD, who acquired accidentally.
On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002 killed at his home in Tver.
He was buried in Tver Dmitrovo-Cherkasky cemetery.