Mike rosenberg

Mike Rosenberg

By Kovac_
  • Wicked Man's Rest

    Wicked Man's Rest
    Released Debut Album 3rd September 2007.
    11 Tracks
  • Period: to


  • Wide Eyes Blind Love

    Wide Eyes Blind Love
    Released same year as Rosenberg collaboration parter Andrew Philips who helped Passenger since '07.
  • Divers and Submarines

    Divers and Submarines
    Said as a 'Fan Only' Recording as it was only avaliable to those who went on his tour. It is now avaliable on iTunes for those who wish to purchase the album.
  • Flight of the Crow

    Flight of the Crow
    Only Album recorded in Australia with fellow singwriter Josh Pyke
  • All The Little Lights

    All The Little Lights
    Most recent album. Toured Australia earlier in the year and is now currently touring Europe.