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Mike and Nava

  • High School

    High School
    We first met freshman year on the high school bus. We rarely talked with each other, and years later Mike told me that I was considered the "book nerd" of the bus because I was always reading and never talking to others on the bus.
  • High School Graduation

    After spending four years in different classes and only sharing a bus ride, Mike and I graduated from high school and led separate paths in life.
  • Period: to

    The years apart

    After graduation, Mike and I went separate ways. We had not talked much in high school, despite living less than a mile away. I went off to school at UCF and Mike went to ITT. It took 8 years before we would be reacquainted through a mutual friend's family.
  • My undergraduate graduation

    My undergraduate graduation
    I ended up graduating college a few semesters early from UCF. My brother had just graduated the semester before after spending a longer time in college, so the smiles from my parents were before the 2nd 6-hour long graduation ceremony. Oh, I may also have a big thing for garden gnomes. Mike isn't a huge fan though (even though he buys them for me...)
  • Mike's Graduation

    In 2011, after some life changes, Mike finished his undergraduate degree from ITT.
  • MLIS Graduation

    MLIS Graduation
    After undergraduate school, I went directly for my Master's degree in Library and Information Sciences. This time the ceremony wasn't nearly as long.
  • Hannah's Bat Mitzvah

    Hannah's Bat Mitzvah
    I was a religious school teacher who was tutoring Hannah for her Bat Mitzvah and Mike happened to be good friends with Hannah's family. He had worked with her dad for a number of years and we met again at Hannah's Bat Mitzvah in 2013.
  • First Sunset

    First Sunset
    My favorite part of the day is sunset. It means that the entire day is over and that the beauty of the day is being put to sleep. Little did I know at the time but that also happens to be Mike's favorite part of the day. There is always something about a sunset...
  • My first snapper

    My first snapper
    I caught my first snapper and Mike was so kind to filet it for me. I may be able to hook the fish on my line but everything else he handles for me -- I can't deal with all the slimy scales.
  • Family Time

    Family Time
    One of Mike's family members snapped this photo of us visiting. I think this was one of the first times I had met his extended family.
  • Natural beauty

    Natural beauty
    One of the common places that Mike and I go to fish and enjoy spending time at happens to be by the water. One afternoon we caught sight of this beautiful rainbow while fishing.
  • Our first Halloween pumpkin

    Our first Halloween pumpkin
    Surprisingly it took 3 years into our relationship before we carved our first Halloween pumpkins together. They didn't turn out the greatest but it was fun to do together!
  • Thanksgiving Surprise!

    Thanksgiving Surprise!
    Mike moved up north to help family out but he and my parents planned for him to drive down and surprise me for Thanksgiving. Seventeen hours later, and a phone call at nearly 3 A.M. in the morning I was greeted by his dog and him attached at the leash. It was definitely one of the best surprised in my life.
  • Blue Ridge Parkway

    Blue Ridge Parkway
    Mike and I enjoying a scenic view on the Blue Ridge Parkway during Memorial Day weekend 2016.
  • Visiting the Natural Bridge

    Visiting the Natural Bridge
    I am a huge history buff and really wanted to go see the Natural Bridge while visiting Mike, so he surprised me with a day trip and the weather was downright gorgeous for the visit!
  • Christmas 2017

    Christmas 2017
    For Christmas/Hanukkah, Mike gave me a promise ring to celebrate our nearly five years together. It was completely unexpected and one of the biggest steps we have taken in our relationship.