midway events

  • japanese planning and intelligence gathering

    japanese commanders plan a suprise attack on midway island and gather intelligence on american naval movements
  • american codebreakers intercept japanese communications

    american codebreakers intercept japanese communications, allowing them to anticipate the attack on midway
  • american preperation and deployment

    american forces prepare for the defense of midway island and deploy their aircraft carriers to strategic positions
  • japanese carrier strike force sails

    japanese carrier strike force, including carriers Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu, sails towards midway
  • torpedo squadon 8's sacrifice

    torpedo squadron 8, led by lieutenant commander john C. waldron, makes a heroic but unsuccessful attack on the japanese carriers, suffering heavy losses
  • american counterattack

    american counterattack
    american aircraft carriers launch a counterattack on the japanese fleet, targeting their carriers
  • japanese aircraft attack midway island

    japanese aircraft attack midway island
    japanese aircraft launch a coordinated attack on midway island, aiming to neutralize its defenses
  • japanese retreat

    with their carrier strike force devastated, japanese forces retreat, marking a turning point in the facific war
  • destruction of japanese carriers

    destruction of japanese carriers
    american aircraft sink four japanese carriers, Akagi, Kaga, Soryu and Hiryu, crippling the japanese fleet