IR: Steam Engine
The Steam Engine was first invented in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen. This piece of equipment was very helpful to the industrial revolution because of its huge impact on factories and transportation. -
IU: Urbanasation
Urbanisation is when workers left their farms and moved to more populated cities who provided more job opportunities. More and more jobs were created and filled by these people. -
IR: Child Labor
During the industrial revolution, child labor was at its peak. Children were very underrated put into harmful conditions. Some of the conditions were: Mines, small areas where adults could not comfortably fit, and areas where harmful toxins were emitted into the lungs. By the time of the Great Depression most Americans wanted more adults working than children. -
AI: Manifest Destiny
In 1845 ,Manifest Destiny first appeared in print. (John L. O'Sullivan, proclaimed "Our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our multiplying millions.") . This was a belief that the settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent and therefore, resulted in many arguments and debates on this
belief. -
AI: Seward's Folly
William H .Seward's Folly bought Alaska for 7.3 million dollars. Amazingly to buy land it was only 2 cents an acre. Alaska is full of rich resources that have contributed to American prosperity. -
IR: Thomas Edison's - Phonograph
On August 12, the phonograph was born. The phonograph is a music transmitter, to play your favorite tunes of course! The first thing ever recorded on the Phonograph was “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. Thomas Edison also the inventor of the famous piece of history. -
IR: Thomas Edison - Light bulb
One of Thomas Edison's best inventions ever created was the light bulb. I'm sure you have seen a light bulb before, If so, you must know how important they are in this day in age. Light bulbs are important because they provide light in dark areas in the home, workplace and anywhere else that light is needed. -
Imagration: Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed by Congress to exclude Asian moratorium, banning Chinese people from immigration to the United States for 10 years! This happened because the Chinese were taking lesser paying jobs and therefore, the Americans were at risk for getting jobs and the pay was lower. -
I&U: Elis Island
Ellis Island helped over 12 million people gain access into America. Ellis Island was open for 62 years! Many Immigrants were looking for a better life to get away from poverty and other situations. Five-year-old Annie Moore was the first immigrant to ever come to Ellis Island. New imigrants made for new job opportunities. -
IR: Henry Ford creates the Model T
Henry Ford was the first to make an assembly line. The assembly line improved productivity for the better. He was the first to make a car made for the masses and that everyone could afford. This was a huge step for mankind! -
AI: Panama Canel
The Panama Canal allowed access between the Atlantic and Pacific. This was a huge step since other methods would take much longer. -
WWI: Chemical Weapons
Chemical weapons were used all throughout WWI. These chemical weapons consisted of poison and tear gases. These chemicals made it very hard to breathe and can cause very serious injury or death. Accoding to AlphaHistory.com "Despite an 1899 treaty that banned the military use of poisonous gas, all major combatants of the war used them at one point or another, especially during 1915 and 1916." -
WWI: Germans sink the passenger ship Lusitania
Germany sunk the Lusitania. 12,000 passengers killed, including 128 Americans. The U.S. was outraged! The U.S did not enter WWI until 2 years later from when the boat was sunk. -
WWI: Zimmerman Note
At elegram saying that if Mexico agrees to become allies with Germany, then Germany will get land back from Mexico that they lost to the U.S. -
Wilson's Fourteen Points
10 months before the end of World War I ,the President Woodrow Wilson, wanted the Fourteen Points to make better peace at the end of War World I.