1800 Presidential Election
Political: Marked the first peaceful transition in power from one political party to another -
The Tripolitan War Begins
Military: The was helped bring the end of piracy in the barbary coast -
State of the Union
Political: Jefferson became the first president to provide a State of the Union in written form -
Treaty of 1794
Economic: The U.S. and Britain concluded a convention regarding the Treaty of 1794 -
Library of Congress
Political: Jefferson signed the act establishing the Library of Congress -
Appointed James Monro
Political: Appointed James Monro as Minister to France and Spain -
Ohio enters the Union
Economical: Ohio is granted admission into the Union -
Marbury v. Madison
Political: The case was decided by the Supreme Court which stated that the Supreme Court can declare an act of Congress void if it is inconsistent with the constitution -
Louisana Purchace
Economic: The Louisana Purchase Treaty was signed -
12th Amendment
Political: The 12th Amendment was passed. Modified the electoral college requiring separate votes for president and vice president -
Louisiana Territory Act
Economic: Thomas Jefferson signed the Louisiana Territory Act -
Louis and Clark Expidition
Economical: It was a federally funded venture to explore the North American West
https://www.nps.gov/lecl/index.htm -
Judiciary Act of 1802
Political: An act to amend the judicial system in the United States -
Pike Expidition
Economic: Pike sets out to explore the southwest, authorized by Jefferson -
Chesapeake Affair/Impressment
Military: Involved the degraded relationship between Great Britain and the United States and led to the hostilities of the War of 1812 -
The Embargo Act of 1807
Political: Closed U.S. ports to all exports and restricted imports form Britain -
Erskine Agreement
Economic: Reestablished trade between the U.S. and Britain -
Fletcher v. Peck
Political: This marks the first time a state law has been struck down as unconstitutional -
Tecumseh's War
Military: The conflict between the United States and Tecumseh's Confederacy led by the Shawne leader Tecumseh in the Indiana territory -
Louisiana enters the Union
Political: Louisana is granted admission into the Union -
Red Stick's War
Military: A conflict within the tribes of the Muscogee, but the United States became involved -
Battle of Lake Erie
Military: A U.S. victory that secured control of the lake forcing the British to abandon
https://www.nps.gov/pevi/index.htm -
Second Bank of the United States
Economic: The Second Bank of the United States was the second federally authorized Hamiltonian national bank in the United States. Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the bank was chartered from February 1816 to January 1836 -
Washington D.C. invaded by the British
Military: The British set fire to the White House and Dolley Madison saves the Lans Downe portrait of George Washington -
Battle of Lake Champlain
Military: The last great naval battle of the War of 1812
https://home.nps.gov/fomc/index.htm -
Star Spangaled Banner
Political: The day that Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner
https://www.nps.gov/stsp/index.htm -
James Monroe as Secretary of War
Political: James Madison nominated James Monroe as Secretary of War after William Armstrong resigned -
Battle of New Orleans
Military: American victory in the Battle of New Orleans -
Treaty of Ghent
Economic: The United States and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Ghent in Europe which ended the War of 1812 between the U.S and the United Kingdom -
Martin v. Hunter
Political: Gave federal courts the power to review state court interpretation of the Constitution -
Tariff of 1816
Economical: It was only used for 3 years to move the country toward protectionism -
Indiana admitted to the Union
Economic: The state of Indiana is admitted to the Union -
Rush-Bagot Treaty
Economic: Rush-Bagot treaty is signed -
First Seminole War
Military: The U.S. authorities attempt to capture runaway slaves living among Seminole Indians -
Mississippi enters the Union
Economic: Mississippi is granted admission into the Union -
U.S. Canadian Border Treaty
Economic: The Convention of 1818 set the boundary between the Missouri Territory in the United States and British North America (later Canada) at the forty-ninth parallel -
Louisana enters the Union
Economic: Louisana is granted admission into the Union -
Panic of 1819
Economic: The beginning of the first widespread financial crisis in the U.S. -
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Political: The Supreme Court ruled that the state of New Hampshire had violated the contract clause in its attempt to install a new board of trustees for Dartmouth College -
Adam-Onis Treaty
Economic: Adam-Onist Treaty was signed -
McCulloch V. Maryland
Political: Established a president that states can not tax federal agencies -
Alabama enters the Union
Economic: Alabama is granted admission into the union -
Election of 1820
Political: The presidential candidate ran effectively unopposed -
Missouri Comprimise
Political: This legislation admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a non-slave state at the same time -
Maine enters the Union
Economic: Maine is granted admission into the Union -
The Second Great Awakening
Religious: Revival of religious feelings -
Missouri Compromise
Political: The act attempted to maintain a legislative balance between the pro-slavery South and the anti-slavery North by delineating which states would be free and which would not -
Land Act of 1820
Economic: Ended the ability to purchase the United States public domain lands on a credit or installment system over four years -
Cohens v. Virginia
Social: a 19th-century Supreme Court case that established the court's power to review state Supreme Court decisions in criminal cases -
Missouri enters the Union
Economic: Missouri is granted admission into the Union -
Monroe Doctrine
Social: Stated that the United States would recognize existing colonies in the western hemisphere -
Election of 1824
Political: The House of Representatives shows the winner of the election. The election was the only time since the 12th amendment was passed that an election was decided by the house -
Gibbons v. Ogden
Political: Supreme Court case that established the principle that states cannot interfere with Congress's power to regulate commerce -
Tariff of 1824
Political: It was a protective tariff in the United States designed to protect American industry from cheaper British commodities -
Erie Canal
Economic: It provided a direct water route from New York City to the Midwest allowing for large-scale commercial and agricultural development -
Russo-American Treaty
Social: Consolidated U.S. claims to the Oregon territory