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Music History Timeline

  • Period: 500 to 1450

    Medieval Period

  • 1026

    Guido of Arezzo's Micrologus

    This piece outlines singing and teaching practice for Gregorian chant, and has considerable discussion of the composition of polyphonic music. (was not in PowerPoint)
  • Period: 1098 to 1179

    Hildegard of Bingen

    The Most Prolific European composer before 1500!
  • Period: 1300 to 1377

    Guillaume de Machat

    Ars Nova Treatise time. He was the first composer to supervise the collection, cataloging, and copying of his own works.
  • Period: 1450 to

    Renaissance Period

  • 1529

    Martin Luther Chorale Ein feste burg

    (was not in powerpoint)
  • 1538

    Arcadelt Madrigal Il bianco e dolce cigno

  • 1567

    Palestrina Pope Marcellus Mass

    This work exemplifies Palestrina’s Style, which became a model for subsequent generations and is still the ideal in present-day textbooks on counterpoint.
  • ictoria Missa O magnum mysterium

  • Gabrieli Sonata pian’e forte

    This eight-part sonata is from Italy and is perhaps the best known of Gabrieli’s instrumental compositions as it was one of the first pieces to specify dynamics and instrumentation. (was not in PowerPoint)
  • Period: to

    Baroque Period

  • L’Orfeo (Orpheus) by Monteverdi

    Monteverdi created the first opera that both survived the centuries and stuck in the repertory -- a work of music and theater
  • Period: to

    Johann Sebastian Bach

  • Antonio Vivaldi's L’Estro Armonico

    This set of concertos greatly influenced the evolution of concerto form as it developed north of Italy.
  • Rameau's Traité de l’harmonie

    The Treatise describes music and how to write it based on the tonal system used today in classical music. It uses the modern major and minor keys to teach readers what to do to achieve good sounding music based on the 12 tone music scale.
  • Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier volume 1

    Johann Sebastian Bach composed this to demonstrate the feasibility of equal temperament, and also as a teaching aid for his students.
  • Period: to

    Viennese Classical Period

  • Period: to

    Franz Josef Haydn

  • Handel's Messiah

    It is one of the most famous and widely shared pieces of music in history. Handel intended his oratorio “Messiah” for Lent, and it was first performed just after Easter 1742.
  • Period: to

    Joseph BologneLe Chevalier de Saint-Georges

    Music Director of Concert des Amateurs (1773-1781). One of the finest orchestras in Europe, Later known as “Le Mozart Noir".
  • Period: to

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • Mozart's Don Giovanni

    Don Giovanni is generally regarded as one of Mozart's supreme achievements and one of the greatest operas of all time,and it has proved a fruitful subject for writers and philosophers.
  • Haydn's Symphony No. 94 "Surprise"

    The Symphonies of 1791–1795, or the London Symphonies, are considered his greatest achievements. Haydn employed novel ideas to outdo competition from a rival concert series featuring Ignaz Pleyel (1757–1831).
  • Beethovens symphony No.5 premiere date

  • Schubert Erlkönig (composition date)

  • Niccolo Paganini 24 Caprices for Violin, op.1

  • Berlioz Symphonie fantastique (composition date)

  • Period: to

    Frederic Chopin Mazurkas Op.7 (composition date range)

  • Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel Das Jahr (composition date)

  • Louis Moreau Gottschalk Souvenir de Porto Rico

    Souvenir de Porto Rico, Op. 31, is a musical composition for piano by American composer Louis Moreau Gottschalk written from 1857 during a tour in Puerto Rico. Dedicated to the Dutch piano virtuoso and salon music composer Ernest Henry Lubeck, and published in Mainz circa 1860
  • Bizet Carmen

  • Wagner Der Ring des Nibelungen

    Wagner had long desired to have a special festival opera house, designed by himself, for the performance of the Ring. In 1871, he decided on a location in the Bavarian town of Bayreuth. In 1872, he moved to Bayreuth, and the foundation stone was laid. The Bayreuth Festspielhaus opened in 1876 with the first complete performance of the Ring, which took place from 13 to 17 August.
  • Brahms' Symphony No.4

  • Mahler Symphony No.1

  • Dvorak Symphony No. 9 "From the New World"

  • Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition

    The original publisher of Mussorgsky's piano suite, W. Bessel & Co. rushed to produce an orchestral version of its own after Ravel's proved popular
  • Shostakovich Symphony No.5 premiere

  • Prokofiev Alexander Nevsky (film)

  • Olivier Messiaen's Quatuor pour le fine du temps

  • Copland Appalachian Spring

  • John Cage's 4’33’’

  • Edward Varese Poeme Electronique

  • Miles Davis Kind of Blue

  • George Crumb's Ancient Voices of Children

  • John Adams' Short Ride in a Fast Machine