Midterm Review Timeline (Julia Christ, F)

  • Hatian Revolution, The Boukman Revolt

    Hatian Revolution, The Boukman Revolt
    Dutty Boukman was a voodoo priest who helped plan the revolution and started it off with a voodoo ceremony. He was the one who started the Revolution by starting the revolt.
  • French Revolution, The Tennis Court Oath

    French Revolution, The Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was formed after the third estate is locked out of their usual meeting place for the Estates-General. When this happens they go meet at a tennis court and make an oath to stay together until a new constitution is made.
  • French Revolution, Creation of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    French Revolution, Creation of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    This was a statement of revolutinary ideas and rights taken by France's National Assembly. It was created for the French people to use.
  • French Revolution, Reign of Terror

    French Revolution, Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror happend from September 5, 1793 to July 28, 1794. This was when The Jacobins (whose leader is Maximilien Robespierre) make the people afraid of being accused of being a spy, or anenemy of The French Revolution. If they were found an enemy of The French Revolution than they would be executed.
  • Hatian Revolution, The War of Knives

    Hatian Revolution, The War of Knives
    The war of knives happened from June, 1799 to March 1800. This is when the two main sources of power (Toussaint L'Ouverture and Rigaud) of Saint Domingue cannot decide whos ideas should be used on the island. L'Ouverture wins with the help of the French.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was an ntellectual movement where thinkers used reason and the scientific method, rather than religous teachings to help understand the world. This took place from the late 17th century to the early 18th. It took place from Bririan to France.
  • Napoleon, The Peninsular War

    Napoleon, The Peninsular War
    The Peninsular War was from May 2, 1808 to April 17, 1813. This was when the Spanish attack the French, so Napoleon sends more troops and ends up loosing 300,000 men. The Peninsular War in considered Napoleons second huge mistake.
  • French Revolution, The Congress of Vienna

    French Revolution, The Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was signed by many European Countries. This congress led to many years of peace, balances of power, and the spread of nationalism for European Countries.
  • Imperialism, The Opium War

    Imperialism, The Opium War
    The Opium War was from 1839 to 1842. This was when Britian refused to not stop selling opium to China. The Chinese wanted them to stop because their people were becoming addicted to it. They both go to war and Britian wins.
  • Imperialism, The Treaty of Nanjing

    Imperialism, The Treaty of Nanjing
    This treaty was signed by China after they were defeated by the British in the Opium War. This treaty said that Britian would have control over the island of Hong Kong, this also paved way for other treaties that would force China to trade.
  • Imperialism, The Treaty of Kanagawa

    Imperialism, The Treaty of Kanagawa
    This Treaty was when Japan was forced to open two ports for trade. They also must let the United States open up one embassy in Japan.
  • Imperialsim, The Sepoy Mutiny

    Imperialsim, The Sepoy Mutiny
    This was when the sepoys (Indian soldiers in the British East India Company) refused to bite off their cartridges because they thought that they were filled with beef and pork. The British arrested anyone who refused to bite off the cartridges, leading to a rebellion throughout the country.
  • Hatian Revolution, The Haitian Constitution

    Hatian Revolution, The Haitian Constitution
    This constitution was called the Black Code. It said slaves are their masters personal property, it also gave minimum standards for slave treatment and limited the brutality for slaves. Although most slave owners did not follow this when it came to slave treatment.
  • Imperialism, The Berlin Conference

    Imperialism, The Berlin Conference
    The Belin Conference happened from 1884 to 1885. This is when 14 European Nations meet up to discuss how they should divide Africa. They do not consult the African people at all before making their decision.
  • Imperialism, The Boxer Rebellion

    Imperialism, The Boxer Rebellion
    This rebellion was from August, 1899 to September, 1901. This is when a group of peasents and workers come together to take down the foreigners. They were defeated but this rebellion helped the people come together and realize that they should keep foreign influence out of China.