The Indian Removal Act
The 5 tribes resisted adapting to white assimilation. America was growing and needed more land. Andrew Jackson played a big part in the Indian Removal Act. Southeastern Tribes were relocated to land west of the Mississippi River -
The Trail of Tears
Natives traveled over 5,000 miles to Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) on the Trail of Tears. Many Native Americans died on the trail due to, starvation, sickness, extreme hot & cold temps, exhaustion. The Cherokee Tribe suffered the most. -
The Civil War
The civil war was a civil war in the United States between the Union and the Confederacy. Many of the 5 Tribes had slaves. All tribes disliked opening Native land to white settlement. Tribes distrusted the government & Lincoln. Five Tribes supported the Confederacy. The South began to recruit the Five Tribes and other natives. Indian Territory became part of the Confederacy Tribes signed treaties and made alliances with the Confederacy. -
The Reconstruction Treaties
Treaty signed by Tribes in Indian Territory that abolished slavery. Construction of two railroads across Indian Territory. Gave up western half of Indian Territory. Sovereignty was limited. Loss of territory meant dealing with white settlers and other native tribes. Allowed cattlemen to run herds through land. -
The Dawes Act
Divided reservation lands into individual plots for ownership. Make ways for white settlement. Assimilation tactic. -
The Oklahoma Land Rush
Land in Indian Territory was opened for settlement. First major white settlement in the territory. Land was very cheap. -
The Indian Reorganization Act
Step in the right direction for Native rights, but still not good enough. Focused on the Natives and government associated stuff.