The Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act was where 5 tribes resisted adapting to white assimilation. Natives absorbed into white American culture. Until America was growing and needed more land. -
The Trail Of Tears
The Trail of Tears is where Natives traveled over 5,000 miles to Indian Territory (Oklahoma). Sadly many Natives died on the trail due to starvation, sickness,and exhaustion. The reason why it's called The Trail of Tears was because the trail was really sad. -
Civil War
Many of the 5 tribes had slaves and also didn't trust Lincoln so they sided with the Cofenderancy. They eventually gave up and lost and the Union ended up treating the natives badly. -
The Reconstruction Treaties
Was a Treaty signed by tribes in the Indian Territory that abolished slavery. Loss of territory meant dealing with white settlers and other native tribes. -
The Dawes Act
Divided up reservation land info individual plot for ownership. Its purpose was to make way for white settlement. -
The Oklahoma Land Rush
Land in the Indian Territory was opened for settlement. It was also the first major white settlement in the territory. -
The Indian Reorganization Act
The Indian Reorganization act was where they gave them control over their lands and allowed them to form tribal governments. This act was not good enough.