Middle Stages Timeline

By djk1776
  • Battle Of Lexington and Concord

    The first shots fired by the American Colonists, in revolt against the British Troops, were at Lexington. The colonists pulled back to Concord, where the militias were able to overwhelm the Redcoats, who had advanced to find and confiscate the arms of the militias.
  • Meeting of the Second Continental Congress

    Delegates from the thirteen colonies met to discuss declaring the separation of the colonies from Great Britain's rule.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    This was the first major battle of the American Revolutionary War. British soldiers captured strategic high ground surrounding Boston Harbor.
  • Failed Seizure of Quebec under Benedict Arnold

    Patriot forces under the command of Colonel Benedict Arnold and General Richard Montgomery attempted to captured British occupied Quebec. The seizure failed. General Montgomery lost his life and Colonel Arnold was injured. This was the first major defeat for the colonists in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Common Sense Published

    Thomas Paine anonymously published a pamphlet advocating independence for the American Colonists from Britain.
  • Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

    The Continental Congress severed political connections to Britain by drafting this document.
  • Battle of Trenton

    General Washington launched a surprise attack on a group of Hessians, which were German mercenaries ,on the morning after Christmas.
  • Battles of Saratoga

    The first of these battles was also known as the Battle of Freeman's Farm. The fierce battle lasted several hours, with more British casualties than American. The second of these battles was on October 17th, and it ended with the surrender of arms by the Hessians and British Troops.
  • Paoli Massacre

    This event is also known as the Battle of Paoli. General Washington stationed a regimend of soldiers to stay behind and watch a camp of British troops. Lord Grey's lightning raid ,at dark while American soldiers were sleeping, took over fifty lives, and caused over one hundred and fifty casualties/wounded American soldiers.
  • Washington's Encampment at Valley Forge

    General Washington stationed here with his battered troops for six months. In the spring of 1778, France became an ally of War with the American Colonist against Britain. They brought much needed supplies and reinforcements which enabled us to when our revolution.