Middle Stages

By Xiaoidy
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    First military engagement of the Revolutionary War. Or, in other words, marked the start of the war.
  • Meeting of the Second Continental Congress

    It was a convention of delegates from all 13 colonies. This happened soon after the American Revolutionary War began.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    They inflicted casualties upon the enemy, despite their loss, this was still a major confidence boost.
  • Failed Seizure of Quebec under Benedict Arnold

    The first major defeat of the war for the Americans. It came with heavy losses.
  • Common Sense Published

    It inspired American colonists to declare independence from England.
  • Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

    The 13 American colonies severed their bond with Great Britain. Summarized the motives with why they sought independence.
  • Battle of Trenton

    The Hessian Army was crushed in Washington’s raid across the Delaware River & the Americans were invigorated by the easy defeat.
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    Battle of Saratoga

    It was a turning point in the American Revolution. It gave the Patriots a major morale boost. It even persuaded the French, Spanish, and Dutch.
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    Paoli Massacre

    It changed the course of the war by rallying the Americans on the fence to the cause of the Patriots.
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    Washington’s Encampment at Valley Forge

    He picked the spot mainly because it was close enough to the British troops sheltering in Philadelphia.