
Middle School Throughout History

  • Charles Eliot

    Charles Eliot
    Charles Eliot launched an effort to reorganize primary and secondary schooling. Read more: Middle Schools - The Emergence of Middle Schools, Growth and Maturation of the Middle School Movement - Grades, Teachers, Students, and Junior - StateUniversity.com http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2229/Middle-Schools.html#ixzz4vPlHRzdF
  • Growth of Junior High Schools

    Growth of Junior High Schools
    Junior Highs in the United States had grown to 883
  • Alvin Howard

    Alvin Howard
    "Alvin Howard became one of the first to advocate the creation of a 6–8 school that would remove the limitations imposed by Carnegie units, have a more stable school climate than a 7–8 school" Read more: Middle Schools - The Emergence of Middle Schools, Growth and Maturation of the Middle School Movement - Grades, Teachers, Students, and Junior - StateUniversity.com http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2229/Middle-Schools.html#ixzz4vPt6002t
  • William Alexander

    William Alexander
    Introduced the concept that junior high schools be changed to middle schools and be designed to be more responsive to the needs and interests of young adolescents at an address to Cornell University.
  • William Alexander and Emmett Williams

    William Alexander and Emmett Williams
    Together they recommended the creation of grade 5–8 middle schools featuring interdisciplinary teaming, small learning communities, a teacher advisory program, and special learning centers Read more: Middle Schools - The Emergence of Middle Schools, Growth and Maturation of the Middle School Movement - Grades, Teachers, Students, and Junior - StateUniversity.com http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2229/Middle-Schools.html#ixzz4vPxuodjJ
  • Donald Eichorn

    Donald Eichorn
    Was a school district superintendent, wrote the first full book promoting the creation of 6–8 middle schools Read more: Middle Schools - The Emergence of Middle Schools, Growth and Maturation of the Middle School Movement - Grades, Teachers, Students, and Junior - StateUniversity.com http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/2229/Middle-Schools.html#ixzz4vQ19oMVY
  • This We Believe

    This We Believe
  • Turning Points: Educating Adolescents in the 21st Century

    Turning Points: Educating Adolescents in the 21st Century
  • Caught in the Middle

    Caught in the Middle
  • Turning Points: Preparing American Youth for the 21st Century

    Turning Points: Preparing American Youth for the 21st Century
  • Turning Points 2000: A Blue Print for Middle Grades Education

    Turning Points 2000: A Blue Print for Middle Grades Education