
Middle East US and Soviet Intervention event

By Caseoh
  • Period: to

    Cold war

    The Cold War was a decades-long struggle for global supremacy that pitted the capitalist United States against the communist Soviet Union.This period is known as the Cold War because there was no direct military engagement between the United States and the Soviet Union, instead they were fought through proxy war.
  • Coup D tat of Iran

    Coup D tat of Iran
    The leader of Iran was overthrown by covert espionage and propaganda tactics. He was replaced with someone who was better for the British and U.S. Once in power, Za'im made several key decisions that benefited the United States.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    It was a statement by the U.S. stating they would help any Middle Eastern country if they are in need, supplies, anyting to get influence their. The U.S.'s goal was to prevent communism from overtaking the Middle East
  • 6 Day War

    6 Day War
    In June 1967 Israel fought with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in the Six-Day War. The U.S. supported Israel with weapons and continued to support Israel financially throughout the 1970s. The American interventions in the years before the Iranian revolution have all proven to be based in part on economic considerations.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
    Russian paratroopers landed in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. The country was already in the civil war. The prime minister tried to keep Muslim tradition within the nation and he wanted more belief in the country. In December, the prime minister, Amin, was shot by the Russians and was replaced by Babrak Kamal.
  • Afghanistan Proxy War

    Afghanistan Proxy War
    A civil war has broke out in Afghanistan. The Soviets controlled the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan who fought the Afghan Rebels. The Soviets ended up pulling out and the war went on till the 90's. The involvement of the foreign powers made the war a proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Combat took place throughout the 1980s. The conflict led to the deaths of between 562,000 and 2,000,000 Afghans, while millions more fled from the country as refugees
  • Afghan-Soviet War

    Afghan-Soviet War
    The U.S. also decided it was against the nation's best interests to be openly or directly involved in the war; therefore, the United States government decided to funnel Soviet-made weapons and money to the rebels through Pakistan, an effort known as Operation Cyclone.
  • Iran–Iraq War U.S. Intervention

    Iran–Iraq War U.S. Intervention
    US Defense Intelligence Agency provided Iraq with satellite positions of Iranian troops to help keep track of the enemies. More than 60 US Defense Intelligence Agency officers provided combat planning assistance, and the US also provided battlefield intelligence including satellite pictures to Saddam Hussein's military during the war. By providing U.S. military intelligence to the Iraq, U.S. make sure that Iraq had the military weaponry required.
  • Iraq - Iran war Soviet Intervention

    Iraq - Iran war Soviet Intervention
    During the Iran–Iraq War from 1980 to 1988, the Soviet Union (USSR) sold or gave more military equipment and supplies to Iraq than did any other country, as well as providing military advisers.The public position of the Soviet Union was officially neutral, especially early in the war, but it changed in the last 2 year of the war. Soviet started to tilt toward supporting Iraq more.
  • End of Iran Iraq war

    End of Iran Iraq war
    The Iran-Iraq War dragged on in a stalemate until 1988, when both countries accepted a cease-fire that ended the fighting.
  • End of Soviet Afghan war

    End of Soviet Afghan war
    In 1988, the Soviet Union signed an accord with the United States, Pakistan, and Afghanistan and agreed to withdraw its troops. The Soviet withdrawal was completed on February 15, 1989, and Afghanistan returned to nonaligned status.