The Tanzimât
Political decis° of Otto stating that hv to keep on running with Erp. But to do that had to massvly use foreign experts which € -
Period: to
1850s-60s: Informal Emp who dsn't realise it's an Emp
Still had lots influence. Brit was still in imperialism of free trade (=point was for ppl to accept buy Eng goods)
Wr scared of Rss and of its possibility to invade India -
Perpetual Treaty of Maritime Peace
Eng had right to arrest judge ppl in Persian Gulf
= proves Brit's influence power + how trade flow was their 1 only goal -
Period: to
Crimean War
Rss in 19th=rapidly expding pwr; arg was to ctrl all holy places
This war is 1st massive return of Fr Br's presc in reg° + was covered by illustrated press (- connected to a larger scale) -
Siege of Sebastopol
Autumn 1854
= end of Crimea war aka of Rsn presc who got deftd by Fr Brit who wr fighting for Ottoman pwr -
Imperial Edict
Forced Otto to be mr relgs open, accept trade... -
Anglo-Persian war
1st step of Brit in Gulf
Persia d't want the canal project in Egy of Ferdinand Lesseps -
Palestine Exploration Fund
Point was to create an archlgcl excavt° soc whs job was to explore Palestine.
Funded by War Office (Pal=close to futur Suez) + many wealthy radical ppl - Evangelicalism (with eschatological views) who thus needed to convert the jews for good end of times -
Great Indn Rbl°
Mutiny inside Indn army which blew out. Brit freaked out, thousands of killings exct° of Indns.
Md Brit realise how little ctrl they hv - chgd to a mr central gov -
Mount Lebanon civil war
Mount Lbn=extrmly diverse, in 60 thr was an increase of masscrs of dift religs grps
This was the 1st Erpn (Fr Br) humanitarian interven°, out of idea to protect christians. It wrkd, Otto had to create spcl province for chr (legacy of tdy Lebn) -
Inaugura° of Suez Canal
Man-made (obvsly). It was a radical chg
- accelert° of time of connec° = clash of temporalities
- mr ppl moving - global fam life, mr tourism + new mobility (passports, id, fllwing rules...) = redefine who has the right to transport. New mobility crushed the old one (Bedouins, gypsies...)
- most now forced to fllw Erpn timing - mny had defense devlptlsm (=undrstd that mdrnz° is necessry but u're on defsv) -
Period: to
Erp much mr present & influential
- Brit is modelling part of the reg°
Reuter concess° in Persia
Reuter gathrd info thru telegraphs then sell it to Brit
= Private compagnies in-crowding in lifes of on site ppl -
1st global financial crisis
Badly hit Otto Br as wr deeply indebted
3 y later, Otto got bankrupt and their debt only kept rising (as banks d't gv out loans anymr) -
1st Otto Constitu°
Defs dev created new elite who wtd mr standing
Vaguely based on Erp
Lasted only 2y -
April Uprising/Bulgarian Horrors
Thx to newspapers wr reports of the massacres - ppl r shocked by that - public matter - demand ac°
= Gladstone adrssd this geopltcl concern as center of his politics, idea that Br had to tk ac°
Key mmt of Orient bcming part of Q -
Berlin Congress - Br got Cyprus
At the end of the Russo-Turkish war (1877-1878)
Br wrote a secret treaty -
Period: to
2nd Anglo-Afghan war
Negotia° of Afghnstn was litrly md with pencils on map -
Survey of Eastrn Palstn
X for relgs reasons, mr intrstd in canal, trrtry, fear of Otto Emp falling so look at Mesopotamia as pssbl sub-clny -
Period: to
Clear shift, Emp gets self-aware
Less abt theory, mr abt practicality. Full on Imprlsm
Thr r shades of Imperialism, esp in the "clnzd" who also r Emp
Even with all its shades, it never went without oppost° -
Emergc of Madhist mvmt in Sudan
Belv in strong rlgs leading
Vry strong mvmt, compltly humiliated Br Egy
(= Madhist resisted Eng power) -
Beginning of Br occupa° in Egy
Started with bombardmt of Alexandria cuz of nationalist revolts which was a threat to Br's dictature Suez Canal
Post 1882: Br "secrtlty" contrld country -
Committee of Un° & Progress/Young Turks
Transfrmt° of Otto
Asking for Constitu°, preparing to dethrone -
Period: to
Even mr Imprsltc
Arabic spking elite Q what an Arabic revival wld lk lk = Nahda (revival, agnst Ottomns°, trying to find mdrnty for Arabic spking -being Arab is center-, created sense of natnlism) -
Tobacco Protest in Persia
Agnst Brit's presc in the market
- proof how rising Br's grip -
Durand Line Agreemt
Offcl Afgh crea° -
Period: to
Hamidian Massacres
Armenians incrsd terrorist attacks on Otto, they wr seen as threat cuz might lead other countries to go agnst them too. So decided to kill them
But got phtghd - circult° of phtgc evidc unveiling extent of masscrs - little public support for Otto -
1st Zionist Congress
In Basel
1 of leaders: Theodor Herzl; mr abt historical legacy than rlgs
Not abt creating Israel, simply idea of a nat° as Jews had no clear na°lstc beliefs
Aim was to protect revive -
Battle of Omdurman
Br in Suddan - incrsd their presc in ME -
20th c = Oil
Cuz of oil:
- complete chg of dynamics (ex: 360 by Arabia)
- Q constitu°: who has right to represent country
- € starts to flow to previous disconnected places from globlz°
- Q id
- layers of imprslm
- ME presc felt in Br itself: students, goods, mosques, grps... -
Period: to
1900s= bad for Otto & Persia
Eastrn Q is no longer a Q, know that Otto Emp is no mr
In 20th most boundaries r +/- settled - travel is complicated - nat° gets mr defined
Interna°l relt°ps r mr devlpd - try to deal with global prblms - geopltcl voc -
d'Arcy Oil Concess° in Persia
William Knox d'Arcy md 1st attempt at finding oil, found it 5y later -
"Middle East" coined -> Eastrn Q
By Valentine Chirol, a journalist, in his book "The Middle Eastern Q"
Shifted it mr to E and India which was origin of creat° of this Q cuz Fr Br d't wt to Otto Emp to fall (=Otto holds tgthr wide variety of ppl, they fear replacements), so they incrsd their involvmt -
Curzon Persian Gulf Tour
Wtd to solidify India's frontiers, point was to not fight in India (that's why created Afgh as buffer state or Kuwait to ctrl the Delta) -
Persian Constitu°l Rvl°
By young new thinkers. Miserably failed -
Young Turks Rvl°
Quite successful, got a hybrid gov -
Russo-Brit Pact
Persia was divided in 2 main zones: 1 for Rss, 1 for Br
Persia had no say (=lost all its power) -
Indpc of Bulgaria
Thx to Russia
Inspired other countries to fight for nat° (- 2 big wars even befr WWI) -
Anglo-Persian Oil Co
Created by d'Arcy
Found oil in Bakhtiari
Used pipelines to bring it to Eng, for that hv depdc on locals, thus need to be in good rlt° with them -
Suez Crisis
Egy tks bck the Canal