Middle Ages

  • 500

    The Black Death

    The disease, called the Black Death or plague, certainly made its mark upon medieval Europe. This dreadful plague first appeared in the 500s. In the second half or the 1300s it swept through Europe once again. Spread by infected fleas that lived on rodents, the Black Death probably killed one - third of the population of western Europe
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Middle Ages

  • 1054

    Church Split

    As time went on during the Middle Ages conflicts developed between the eastern followers of the Church who spoke Greek and the western followers who spoke Latin. Finally in 1054 CE the two sides split over differing beliefs. The eastern Church was called Orthodox. Members of the Orthodox Church thought their beliefs were Orthodox or correct. The western Church based in Rome was called Catholic. Members of the Catholic church thought their beliefs were Catholic or universal.
  • 1066

    King William crowned

    On Christmas day in Westminster Abbey, in the year 1066 CE, the Norman duke was crowned King William I of England. From that moment on, he became known as William the Conqueror.
  • 1214

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    In June 1215 CE ,an official seal was placed on Magna Carta. Coppies of Magna Carta were sent out to different parts of the kingdom. Magna Carta was a important written statement that limited the power of English Kings.