Middle ages

  • 711

    Dependent Emirate

    Dependent Emirate
    Creation of dependent emirate of the Umayyad Caliphate
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
  • 756

    Independent Emirate

    Independent Emirate
    Abd al-Rahman I establishes an independent emirate of the Muslim Empire.
  • 778

    Battle of Rocensvalles

    Battle of Rocensvalles
  • 929

    Caliphate of Córdoba

    Caliphate of Córdoba
    Abd al-Rahman III proclaims the Caliphate of Córdoba and declares himself Caliph
  • 951

    Farnán Gonzalez governs Country of Castilla autonomously

    Farnán Gonzalez governs Country of Castilla autonomously
  • 987

    Independence of the Catalan countries

    Independence of the Catalan countries
  • 1031

    Taifas and North African Period I

    Taifas and North African Period I
    Taifa kingdoms
  • 1038

    Fernando I becomes the first King of León

    Fernando I becomes the first King of León
  • 1086

    Taifas and North African Period II

    Taifas and North African Period II
    Almoravids arrive
  • 1128

    Portugal gains independence

    Portugal gains independence
  • 1137

    Creation of the Crown of Aragón

    Creation of the Crown of Aragón
  • 1146

    Taifas an North African Period III

    Taifas an North African Period III
    Almohad invasion of Al-Andalus
  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
  • 1238

    Naski kingdom of Granada Period I

    Naski kingdom of Granada Period I
    Creation of the kingdom
  • 1492

    Nasri kingdom of Granada Period II

    Nasri kingdom of Granada Period II
    Catholic monarchs conquered the kingdom, ending of Muslim rule on the Iberian Peninsula