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Middle ages

  • 476

    End of Roman Empire's

    End of Roman Empire's
    The Roman Empire disappears, the western empire while the eastern Byzantine empire survives until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. The fall of the Western Roman Empire refers to the fact that the Western Roman Empire lost authority over its vast territory and was divided into numerous successor political entities.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1095 to Jan 1, 1291

    The Crusades

    The Crusades were a series of religious wars promoted by the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages.
  • Jun 12, 1215

    Magna carta's

    Magna carta's
    Magna Carta Libertatum, better known as Magna Carta, is a charter granted by John I of England at Runnymede, near Windsor. It constitutes one of the most important antecedents of constitutionalism, it contains basic principles of both public law and private law. It is a document that established, in writing, limits to the king's power.
  • Period: May 24, 1337 to Oct 19, 1453

    The 100 years war

    It was an armed conflict, which lasted 116 years, intermittently, and had the kingdoms of France and England. The conflict was essentially feudal in nature, as its purpose was to resolve who would control the additional lands of the English monarchs. The war finally ended with the defeat of England and the consequent withdrawal of English troops from French lands.