Middle Ages

By terfelo
  • Jan 31, 711

    Muslim entered in the iberian peninsula

    Muslim entered in the iberian peninsula
    The muslims entered in the Iberian Peninsula to defead the kingdom of Rodrigo
  • Jan 31, 712

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    It tooks place in Cadiz
  • Jan 31, 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    It took pace in asturias and was the battle in wich the king Pelayo defead the muslim and started to reconquisted the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Jan 31, 732

    Battle of poitiers

    Battle of poitiers
    It crossed the pyrinees, but was defeaded in Poitiers
  • Jan 31, 739

    Alfonso I

    Alfonso I
    Sucedió a su cuñado Favila de Asturias y fue sucedido por su hijo Fruela I de Asturias.
    He expanded his domains towards Galicia and started to occuped the north part of the meseta.
  • Jan 31, 824

    Kingdom of Navarra

    Kingdom of Navarra
    The kingdom of Pamplona was know as Kingdom of Navarra
  • Jan 31, 866

    Alfonso III

    Alfonso III
    During hs domains he conquered Coimbra and Oporto. When he died he divided his kindom in Asturias, Galiciaand Leon.
  • Jan 31, 1177

    Alfonso VIII

    Alfonso VIII
    conquered Cuenca and defeated the Almohads at the Battle of Navas de Tolosa .
  • Jan 31, 1217

    Fernando III

    Conquered the Valle del Guadalquivir (Jaén, Córdoba and Sevilla). During his reign, his son (the future Alfonso X) conquered Murcia and Alicante.
  • Jan 31, 1229

    Alfonso IX

     Alfonso IX
    conquered Cáceres and Badajoz
  • Jan 31, 1252

    Alfonso X

    Alfonso X
    Conquered Cádiz, making the Kingdom of Granada the only remaining Muslim state.
  • Jan 31, 1340

    Alfonso XI

    Alfonso XI
    fought off an invasion by the North African Marinid dynasty, who had crossed the strait to protect Granada. The armies of Castilla and Portugal formed an alliance and defeated them at the Battle of Salado