
Mid-Term Project mppphphpp

  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    President Andrew Jackson wanted to be elected because the people wanted the Indians removed and wanted land. So the Southerners were removed from their homeland, and they suffered the most during the trail of tears. They were walking 5,000 miles to enter into Oklahoma also known as the Indian Territory
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears is about the Cherokee Tribe getting removed from their land because of the Indian Removal Act that existed during that time. So the Cherokee Tribe had to move to Oklahoma and it was 5,000 miles to get there, but when the Tribe traveled to Oklahoma thousands of them died from Starvation, Dehydration, Diseases, and Temperatures changing.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    The causes of The Civil War were Slavery the Abolitionist Movement, and the Election of Abraham Lincoln Indians viewed this as bringing the horrible slavery to an end. All of the 5 Tribes were natives and when their land was being sold to people they were very unhappy about it. The Natives supported the Confederacy and they were alliances and even made a treaty with the Natives. When the Natives were happy about their decision in return they made troops to help the South fight.
  • The Reconstruction Treaties

    The Reconstruction Treaties
    The Reconstruction Treaties is about is that the Union telling the Natives to sign treaties and not have slaves anymore and this happened during the Civil War, during that time the Second Indian Removal happened and moved the Natives to somewhere else because probably for the white settlers.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    The Dawes Act is about dividing up the land and some of the land belonged to the Indians. The Indians had to move somewhere else because they needed room for white settlements to enter their land, even selling the Natives Territory for money.
  • The Oklahoma Land Rush

    The Oklahoma Land Rush
    The Oklahoma Land Rush was the time when Indian territory land was being opened for people to purchase at a cheap price. But this affected the Indian Americans because it made their lives much harder to survive than before. When this news spread out a lot of people got on their horses and ran to the cheap land that the anonymous people were selling to white settlers.
  • The Indian Reorganization Act

    The Indian Reorganization Act
    The Indian Reorganization Act concerns the U.S. giving land back to the tribes, but they didn't want them to take a lot of it—just a tiny bit. However, the United States encouraged the tribes to assimilate into the white culture by them selves to become more American and not as natives.