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Joseph McCarthy in Office
U.S. President Truman Orders Construction of Hydrogen Bomb
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Korean War
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Mid-Century America
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Eisenhower Presidency
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown combined law suits from 4 states and the district of colombia in which black plaintiffs claimed that segregated education systems were unconstitutional.
Chief Justice Waren speaking for unanimous court versed Plessy v. Ferguson -
Polio Vaccine Distributed
A vaccine for polio is made and distributed throughout the country -
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
Rosa Parks sits at the front of the bus when she is instructed to move to be back she doesn't move -
Interstate Highway Act
Jencks v. United States
The court held that the accused had the right to inspect government files used by the prosecution -
Yates v. United States
The justices over turned the convictions of the communist party officals under the Smith Act -
NASA created
NASA was created to try and win the space race against Russia -
FIdel Castro comes to power
Fidel Castro comes to power in Cuba -
Civil Rights Act of 1960