Jan 1, 600
First used noise divice
The first divice used to for gathering very big crowds -
Wire and Cup trick invented
The well know communiction, cup and ire trick was invnted -
Carbon Microphone is created
David Edwards hughes invents the first modern day microphone. He is created with the invition even though the original patent went to Thomkas Edison -
Condenser Microphone is created
C. Wente Bell produsces the fisrt inovtion of the condenser microphone. -
Practical Coil Micropone
The first modenrn practical oil mic is created by Captain H. J. Round. -
Milab Produces the DM- 1001
The DM-1001 becomes a universaly used microphone. -
Fiber Optics Introduces
In 2008, new fiber optic tecnology is introduced to microphones