Armenian Massacre
THe Armenian Massacre was the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of the Americans in the homeland. Massacres were indiscriminate of age or gender, with rape and other sexual abuse commonplace. It is estimated that 1 and a hal;f million Amenians died as a result. No Allied power came to the aid of the Armenian Republic and it collapsed -
Soviet Purges
the first major purge of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ranks was performed by Bolsheviks as early as 1921. The purge was justified by the necessity to get rid of the members who joined the Party simply to be on the winning side. This was a humans right violations because inncoent people who twanted to be on the winning side of the soviet union party were purged. 1.9 million members, about 18% were purged. -
German Holocust
It involved a group called Nazi's and jewish people. The Nazi's were crueling killing the men, woman, and children just for being Jewish. This violated the human rights of the people being killed. It happened because nobody could do anything to stop the Nazi's at the time. approximitly 11 million died -
Rape of Nanjing
Japanese troops captured the Chinese city of Nanjing and embarked on a campaign of murder, rape and looting. 300,000 people were killed, many of them women and children. The number of women raped was estimated to be about 20,000. It happened because it was the time of war. -
South African Apartheid
This was a occurence of racial segregation enforced through legislation by the ruling party from 1948 to 1994 It was against South Africans and the rights of the majority black inhabitants of South Africa were overlooked. Whites were seen as supreme and Africans were discriminated against. The government segregated education, medical care, and other public services, and provided black people with jobs inferior to those of white people. -
Missing People Under Juan Peron in Argentina
During the Dirty war in Argentina, over 30,000 latin americans went missing. There was no explanation from the government which led to many revolts and protests. The dirty war was a feirce guerrilla war between guerrillas and the argentinian government. Bombs went off, policemen were killed and thousands of people went missing. Not only adults went missing but also children. -
My Lai Massacre
My Lai in the south vietnamese district of son. charlie company and LT. William Calley entered the vietnamese village. over 300 unarmed civilians including women, children and elderly were killed. This was a human right violation because old men were bayoneted, praying women and children were shot in the back of the head, and at least one girl was raped and killed. -
Uganda under Idi Amin
Uganda had been terrorized, harassed and tortured people. the number of people killed as a result of idi amin regime is unknown. it ranges from 100,000 to 500,000. The smuggling problem became an obsession with Amin. to take all necessary steps to eliminate the problem. This was a human rights violation because he just made people dissapear because he considered them a threat. -
Chile under Augosto Pinochet
Augosto rose to power in 1993 in Chile. After his death people tell of torture and detention centers (like as the ship Esmeralda or Víctor Jara Stadium), and it is found that more than 3,200 people were killed or had disappeared because of them. Some of the people he had arrested, he ordered to be tortured and then maybe killed later. Extereme trauma causes over 200,000 people to suffer because of all the torture and/or exilation. Pinochet was later arrested and his rule ended in 1990. -
Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge
The Khmer Rouge was the name given to the followers of the Communist Party. Its attempts at agricultural reform led to widespread famine and even in the supply of medicine it led to the deaths of thousands from treatable diseases such as malaria. It happened because in the time of war, the Khmer Rouge was the ruling party of Kampuchea in Cambodia. -
Iraq Under Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein came to power in Iraq in 1979, and violated numerous human rights. In June 1994, the Hussein regime in Iraq had severe penalties, including amputation, branding and the death penalty for crimes like theft, corruption, currency speculation and military desertion. The government members and Saddam's family members could not be punished the same way for the same crimes. Many reported acts of torture, rape, execution, and gassings happened for decades under Hussein. -
Somalia Civil War
The civil war started when a group of armed rebels got rid of the long-standing military government. The central government fell and the president fled causeing the counrty to become very poor and unstable. The laws and punishments were harsh, and usually tortuous and corrupt. Freedom of speech, religion, and movement are all forgotten and the people had very little rights. Unfair child labor and female discrimination were also problems. It affected more than 200,000 people. -
Sierre Leone and the child soldiers
It was a ten-year civil war and was devastating for the people of Sierra Leone. More than 10.000 were killed and many became both physically and mentally scarred. Children and young people suffered immensely. Of the 45,000 soldiers fighting, 17,000 were children. Most were aged between 15-18 but some were as young as six years old. -
Rwanda Genocide
The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter that took place in the East African state of Rwanda. Over the course of approximately 100 days over 500,000 people were killed. It was caused by a power struggle between the two dominant tribes in both Rwanda and Burundi. it was a voliation of human rights because alot of innocent people who weren't involved. -
Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbia set out to "ethnically cleanse" bosnian terrioty,This was a a human rights violations because Many Bosniaks were driven into concentration camps, where women and girls were systematically gang-raped and other civilians were tortured, starved and murdered. -
Darfur Conflict
The Danfur Conflict started in 2003 when rebels in Darfur took up arms, and accused the government of neglecting their region. The government responded with killing over 300,000 civilians, causing many of them to run away from their farms. The majority started to live in camps near Chad. In March of 2009, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Sudan's president for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.