Michelle Obama

  • Michelle Obama was born

    Michelle Obama was born
    On January 17th, 1964, Michelle grew up on the South side of Chicago. Her parents, Fraser and Marian Robinson, put her in Chicago public schools. At the age of 11, she began taking classes through the schools gifted program. After completing middle school, she went on to attend Whitney M. Young magnet High School, her cities first magnet high school for gifted children. She graduated in 1981 as class salutatorian.
  • Michelle Obama attended Princeton

    Michelle Obama attended Princeton
    After graduating high school, Michelle attended Princeton University. At Princeton, she gained a sense of pride and felt like she was representing all black women. At the time she was a student, Princeton was very white male dominated. The college councilor told her that she wasn't sure if she was Princeton material. Michelle went on to graduate Princeton in 1985 with a B.A. in sociology.
  • Michelle Obama attended Harvard Law School and graduated in 1988

    Michelle Obama attended Harvard Law School and graduated in 1988
    Michelle needed recommendations from Princeton for Harvard, so she went to her advisor for a letter. He gave her a brutally honest response- telling her that she is a good student, but he doesn't know if she is the best he has seen. This lit the fire in Michelle, and she would not take no for an answer. She started to work harder then she ever had before just to prove him wrong.
  • Michelle had her first child

    Michelle had her first child
    In Michelle's book "Becoming" she opens up about her fertility issues and how she felt as if she had failed when she was unable to have children. With the help of doctors, she had her first child, Malia, in 1998, and her second, Sasha, born in 2001. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Barack_Obama
  • Michelle Obama became the first African-American First lady of the United States

    Michelle Obama became the first African-American First lady of the United States
    Michelle Obama's husband, Barrack Obama, became the 44th president of the United States. This is a very important event because Michelle was the first African American first lady ever of the United States.
  • In 2010, Michelle Obama launched the "Lets Move" campaign.

    In 2010, Michelle Obama launched the "Lets Move" campaign.
    The purpose of the lets move act was to address the issue of childhood obesity. Michelle worked with parents, teachers, and medical professionals to provide children with healthier school lunch choices, being more physically active, and giving support to parents to make healthier choices for their children.
  • Michelle launched The School Lunch Program

    Michelle launched The School Lunch Program
    This program provided free and reduced price meals to more than 21 million low income children. It also required many schools to start serving more healthy options, such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grain choices.
  • In 2011, Michelle launched Joining Forces.

    In 2011, Michelle launched Joining Forces.
    Michelle partnered with Dr. Jill Biden, in a nationwide calling to all Americans, encouraging them to support our service members, veterans, and their families through their journeys. Weather it be education, wellness, or employment opportunity's. The overall goal was to make sure service members and veterans had what they needed to succeed throughout their life.
  • Michelle's book 'American Grown' is published.

    Michelle's book 'American Grown' is published.
    American Grown is all about healthy eating and living styles. It includes healthy recipes, instructions for making a compost bin, pictures of vegetables, and so much more. Michelle has always been a big advocate for eating healthy, and this is just another way she re enforces and pushes for healthy living.
  • In 2014, Michelle launched the Reach Higher initiative.

    In 2014, Michelle launched the Reach Higher initiative.
    The goal of the Reach Higher initiative, was to inspire the youth of America to take their future education into their own hands. She wanted to encourage Americas youth to take their education past high school. Michelle gave high schoolers a better understanding of financial aid, summer learning opportunities, and college and career options.

  • In 2015, The Obama's launched the Let Girls Live initiative.

     In 2015, The Obama's launched the Let Girls Live initiative.
    The Obamas launched the Let Girls Learn initiative with hopes of helping girls all around the world go to school and stay in school. Michelle got in contact with countries around the world to help educate and empower young women.
  • In 2018, Michelle released her book "Becoming"

    In 2018, Michelle released her book "Becoming"
    In November of 2018, Michelle released her book "Becoming". In this book, she talks about how she grew up and what made her the way she is today. She talks about wanting to inspire other people, and wanting to make the world a better place.
  • Quote #1

    Quote #1
    If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn't be here. I guarantee you that. I chose this quote because I think this perfectly represents who Michelle Obama is. She did do well in school, but how she became iconic was not because of her test scores. What makes her iconic was the way her mind works, and how she is always reaching and pushing herself to be a better person, and make positive change in this world.
  • Quote #2

    Quote #2
    "One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals."
    This quote is another representation of Michelle and what she stands for. She had many obstacles along the way, but always seemed to push past them and stay true to herself. Michelle is a strong black female and she never let what anyone had to say about her race or gender effect her.