Michelle is born in Chicago, Illinios -
Elementary School
She graduates from Bryn Mawr Elementary School -
High School
She graduates from Whitney Young High School -
Miichelle earns her degree in sociology from Princeton University -
Law School
She graduates from harvard law School. She joins the law firmof Sidley Austin. -
Meet a Guy
she meets Barack Obama -
She waorks as deputy chier of staff with the city of Chicago. -
Frasier Robinson III,, MIchille's Father, dies -
She moves into an assistant commissioner job for Chicago's department of Planning and Development -
She marries Barack Obama -
Associate dean
Michelle joins the University of Chicago Community Servic e Center -
State Senator
Barack wins election as Illinois state senator -
Michelle lauches the University of Chicage Community Service Center -
first child
Malia is born -
second child
Natasha Known as Sasha is born -
Vice President
Michelle becomes the vice president of community and external affairs at the Univetsity of Chicago Medical Center -
U.S Senator
Barak is elected U.S. sentor from Illinois -
Michelle campaigns for her Husband's run for U.S. President -
Runnig For President
baarack announces he is run for president -
Michelle campaigns for her Husband's run for U.S. President -
Baracj is elected the 44 president of the U.S.A. and the first Afican American to hold the office -
First Lady
Michelle becomes the Nation'sa first African American First Lady -
She becomes founder and executive director of the Chicago Public Allies