Michaela Byers

  • Michaela's Born

  • Period: to

    Michaela's Life

  • Moved to White Salmon, WA

    Didn't know at the time, the move was because my parents separated.
  • Moved to Vancouver, WA

    Parents decided to reconcile and move to start over. 1 month before I started the 7th grade. Hardly time to make new friends...
  • Parents Divorce

    Not sure the exact month... Devastating to my dad. He fell into deep depression and started doing drugs.
  • Emancipation

    Was emancipated at 17 years old, dropped out of high school, worked 3 jobs and lived with roommates
  • Period: to

    Lived in Seattle

  • My grandpa died

    My dad's dad. I was living in Seattle at the time and hadn't seen him for a couple months, I took it very hard. Moved back to Vancouver a month later.
  • DUI

  • Met Junior

  • Pregnancy test positive

    2 weeks after my 21st birthday...
  • Gabriella's Born

  • Period: to

    Cosmetology School

  • Rehab

  • Period: to

    Life Changers Discipleship Program

    Intense 9 month discipleship program at my church
  • Sister Married

  • Started work at A&M

  • Period: to


    Finished Associates and jumped into BA pursuing Accounting degree
  • Dad dies

  • Married!