Birth Date
Michael Kors was born on August 9, in Long Island New York. -
Fashion Institute New York City
in 1977, Michael enrolled as a student at the Fashion Institute of New York City for nine months. -
57th Street - Sell designs
Michael was enrolled at the Fashion Institute for nine months when he then dropped out to start selling his deisgns in a small boutique on 57th Street. -
KORS Michael Kors
The company Michael Kors had started then launched the exclusive collection company, KORS Michael Kors. -
KORS Michael Kors has gone bankrupt, causing Michael to discontinue the company for a short amount of time. -
French House Celine
Michael worked as a women's designer for the French House Celine. -
Left French House Celine
Michael wokred at French House Celina from 1997 - 2003. -
Michael Kors Collection
In 2004, Michael Kors officially launche dhis collection and started his own company yet again. -
30th Anniversary of Michael Kors Collection
On August 16 of 2011, Michael Kors happily married his partner, Lance Le Pere. -
Couture Council Award
Global Ambassador Against Hunger