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  • 1963

    Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in New York, but a few years later moved to North Carolina.
  • 1982-1984

    Jordan play for the University of North Carolina for the season 82, 83, 84 .
    In his first year he won the rookie of the year and the following year won the ncaa championship against Georgetown University with one shoot in the final seconds
  • 1984-1985

    After leaving the university, in 1984 he declared himself eligible for the nba draft.
    He was rookie of the year in 1985 and participated in his first all-star. Nike sports brand decided to bet on giving it a contract.
  • 1988

    In 1988 the slam dunk contest Michael ended up winning it with a show that would remembered in history, doing one dunk from the free-throw line. When the season was over, Jordan won his first regular season MVP.
  • 1991-1993

    The Season 91 Jordan won his first champion ring , he also won the MVP of the finals and the regular season MVP.
    The next two years he won the championship , also won the MVP of that finals.
    The regular seasons of 92 he won the MVP too . After his father's murder, he decided to leave the nba to go to baseball
  • 1993-1995

    He devoted himself two years to baseball on the Chicago white sox team.
    After two seasons playing for the team he decided to return to the nba. He came back in a big way premiering the movie Space jam.
  • 1996-1999

    In 1996 he won his fourth MVP and two seasons later he won the fifth and final.
    In the play-offs, the Bulls bought Dennis Rodman to reinforce the team. They won another three-peat.
    The 96 season beat the Utah Jazz. In 97 they beat Utah again.
    His last season 98 won the champion ring again.
    Winning another three-peat.
  • 1999-2003

    In 1999 he announced his second retirement. This one didn't was the last because he returned in 2000 to play with the WHASINGTON wizards.
    He was two seasons in which he doesn't get nothing and he retreated definitively in 2003 . In an interview, he said he will donate all the money he receive on this team.
  • 2006

    After his retirement in 2006 Michael bought the rights of Charlotte Hornets, an nba team. He is not knowing how to leader the franchise because they don't win games or get good players. Lead the organization with Robert Johnson.
  • 2020

    In april 20 of 2020 Jordan make a documentary of his career, the documentary was divided in ten chapters of which left four. In the documentary Jordan tell his experience,anecdote, friendship of his NBA and NCAA career. You can see It in Netflix and espn .Also he said, he will donate all money he won with that documentary.