Newington Butts, United Kingdom -
Michael Faraday's eductaion
When Michael Faraday had his basic education -
When he started to work at the Royal Great Britain
He started to work at the Royal Britain as the scientist Humphry Davy's assistant -
When Michael Faraday and Humphry Davy went on a tour
Michael Faraday got to meet a lot of other famous sientists. They were on the tour from 1813 to 1815. -
Michael Faraday's first lecture
His first lecture was on the properties of matter -
When Michael Faraday got married
He got married to Sharah Barnard. He was married to her from 1800 to 1879. They had no kids. -
When Michael Faraday was elected to the Royal Society
He became a sientist -
When the University of Oxford granted Faraday a Doctor of Civil Law degree
During his lifetime, he was offered a knighthood in recognition for his services to science, which he turned down on religious grounds, believing it was against the word of the bible to accumulate riches and pursure worldly reward untill he died. -
Michael Faraday invented the Electrolysis
Michael Faraday develops his two laws of electrolysis, and provides a mathematical explanation of his laws. -
Michael Faraday was eleced a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is is were scientist get prizes. -
Michael Faraday suffered a nervous breakdown
Faraday suffered a nervous breakdown, but eventually returned to his electromagnetic investigations. -
Michael Faraday was eleced a member of the French Academy of Sciences
The French Academy of Sciences is a froefront of scientific developments in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, and is one of the earliest Academies of Sciences. -
Michael Faraday was associated member to the Royal Institute of the Netherlands
He was associated member to the Royal Institute of the Netherlands, which two years later became the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and he was subsequently made foreign member.[21] -
At Barnsbury Grove, Islington
This North London location was where Faraday served the final two years of his second term as elder prior to his resignation from that post. -
Hampton Court Palace, London, United Kingdom