Micah King

  • Industrial Revolution to Early 20th Century

  • Mechanized Food Processing

    Mechanization is when the food process is when machinery equipment is used to transform raw ingredients into processed food products
  • Commercial Freezing

    First commercial freezing operation was in 1861 at Darling Harbor in Sydney Australia this would expand and become the New South Wales Fresh Food and Ice Company and trialed shipments of frozen meat to London by 1868.
  • Home Refrigerators

    1913, the first home electric refrigerator was introduced by Fred W. Wolf, This refrigerator featured a refrigeration unit on top of an icebox. In 1918 William C. Durant introduced the first refrigerator with a self-contained compressor.
  • Automated Packaging

    Automated packaging solutions began during 1960s, the first machine capable of filling and sealing bags with flour into the market.
  • Automated Packaging Later Production

    During the 1970s automated packing would spread among industries and expand in its production and not only package flour it would include food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals.