Still alive

Mia Hamm

  • Birthdate

    She was born on March 17, 1972 in Selema, Alabama.
  • Sarted Playing Soccer

    Sarted Playing Soccer
    She started playing soccer when she was 4.
  • Youngest Soccer Player

    Youngest Soccer Player
    When she was 15 she was the youngest soccer player ever to play for the national team.
  • First Goal Ever

    First Goal Ever
    At the age 17, she scored her first goal ever for the United States in a game against Canada.
  • College

    Mia Hamm atended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Graduation

    She graduated in May with a degree in Political Science.
  • Marriage

    Mia Hamm got married to her college sweetheart Christian Corry
  • Greatest Living Soccer Player

    Greatest Living Soccer Player
    She was put on the FIFAS list of 125 greatest living soccer players.
  • Retired

    Mia Hamm retired from soccer in 2005 at age 32.
  • Still Alive

    Still Alive
    Mia Hamm is still alive today at the age 39