Mi vida

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on the afternoon of April 4, 2007, at the Magdalena clinic. I filled my parents with pride since I was the firstborn
  • My second birthday

    My second birthday
    my second birthday was a very joyous moment in my life.
  • my fourth birthday

    my fourth birthday
    On my fourth birthday they forced me to take photos because I didn't like them.
  • my preschool graduation

    my preschool graduation
    in my zero grade graduation I felt very happ
  • my fifth grade graduation

    my fifth grade graduation
    In my fifth grade graduation I was scared because I was going to study in another school
  • my sister hellem's birthday

     my sister hellem's birthday
    My sister's birthday was something simple and very beautiful since we surprised her.
  • birth of my first nephew.

    birth of my first nephew.
    When my first nephew was born I was so happy since they would call me aunt
  • visit my nonna

     visit my nonna
    It was extraordinary since I hadn't seen her for a long time.
  • pool day

     pool day
    The pool day was very hot and radiant.
  • my 15 years

    my 15 years
    My 15th birthday was an amazing day full of surprises
  • my friends

    my friends
    I recently met my friends, they brighten up my life with every stupid thing they do and I'm happy to have met them.
  • present

    Today I am 16 years old, I studied at the Camilo Torres Restrepo school and I live happily with my family.