My Life

  • My birth

    My birth
    It was a Wednesday and my mom woke up with pain at 6:00 am, that's how she spent the whole day, when it was getting dark my mom couldn't take it anymore and my dad took her to the clinic, I was born at 5: 30 pm. When I was born my blood sugar was low and I was in an incubator for 4 days, until I got better and they took me home.
  • At home

    At home
    Here I was already 1 month old, my parents were very happy that my health has improved. That same day my parents took me to the civil registry to put my name and surname
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    It was a great day, since that same day my sister and I were baptized, knowing that I was going to have wonderful godparents made me proud.
  • A nice day

    A nice day
    Here my little sister was already 6 months old and I feel very blessed with the arrival of another member to the family, I always told my mom that I wanted a little sister, this day Colombia was playing and we were wearing new shirts.
  • My classmates

    My classmates
    When we took the photo of the farewell to primary school with my classmates, that day I felt very happy that I was going to finish primary school, although it also made me nostalgic to know that I was leaving the school where I had a great childhood next to great people.
  • Primary Graduation

    Primary Graduation
    The long-awaited day finally arrived, that of my fifth grade graduation, here began a great stage in a different place with people I did not know, knowing that I had to start a great challenge made me frustrated but it made me happy to know new people and get out of my comfort cycle
  • The first communion of my nephews

    The first communion of my nephews
    After so long I saw my nephews again, I adore being with them very much, my nephews Juan and Nathalee made their first communion and made their lives a new one with God on that special day for them.
  • The arrival of my other little nephew

    The arrival of my other little nephew
    The birth of a new nephew fills me with joy, knowing that a new person joins the family, knowing that after so long I was an aunt again for the 3 time, my little nephew named Antony Gael who has arrived after so much waiting.