• My place of Origin

    My place of Origin
    I was born in San diego California, but I wasn't born in Tijuana
  • My kindergarten

    My kindergarten
    I started going to the ''Jardin de Niños Tijuana'', My first day I cried, but I liked it
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
    My sister was born on April 30, in Tijuana, not like me who was born in San Diego
  • My kindergarten graduation

    My kindergarten graduation
    I graduated from ''Jardin de niños Tijuana'' at 6 years old
  • Elementary school First year

    Elementary school First year
    I enter to elementary school, there I met teacher betty
  • My first kermes

    My first kermes
    I was a guerrilla at a dance on November 20
  • My second sister born

    My sister alisson is born and is my younger sister
  • I create my first social network

    I create my first social network
    In this year i create for mi first time, my facebook profile, with the help of my aunt
  • My first birthday at the sirloin stockade restaurant

    My first birthday at the sirloin stockade restaurant
    In that year I went to sirloin for the first time
  • I was in the fifth grade of elementary school

    I had the best teacher in elementary school
  • I graduated from elementary school

    I graduated from elementary school
    I was the third place for the diploma that year
  • my first day of middle school

    my first day of middle school
    On my first day of high school I was trying to make new friends
  • I had my first Middle school party

    I had my first Middle school party
    I had my first party, but it was at school and I didn't like it, I didn't go to a party again
  • I graduated from middle school

    I graduated and I'm still talking to some friends from middle school
  • I had my first day of high school

    I got nervous, but it was easy and I got used to it
  • My brother is born

    My brother is born
    My younger brother Cristobal is born
  • I was suspended

    They suspended me for filling a coke with lipton and playing with it
  • Classes were suspended

    Classes were suspended by covid-19